park + kim

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"hey, what kind of flower does your eomma like? we can make her a flower crown from them!" the youngest plucked a daisy to answer the older's question.

"she always has these, hyung. appa buys them for her."

"that's sweet. i wish my appa was still here.." the older grabbed more daises. "all i have is my friend's appa. and i rarely see him."

"hyung, you can share my appa with me. he's the best! you'll like him."

"really?" the other nodded.

"i'll let you meet him soon! he's friends with your eomma. he visits a lot, like he is now. he never brings eomma though, so i don't know."

"why does your appa let you come out in the woods with me? i thought he didn't let you go far out."

"i don't know. he's probably giving me more trust."

"hey, kids." a lady dressed in white called at them.

"hi miss!" the eldest of the two children waved.

"can you two come here? i have a gift for you boys." the younger, being the way he was, walked over. the older had to follow him.

a bag was thrown over the older's head and the younger screamed.

"jinyoung!" his cry was muffled at the end thanks to the same done to him.

"yugyeom?! yugyeom!" jinyoung thrashed around.

"hyung, calm down, maybe we'll be okay.."

"yugyeom?! why are you getting quieter? where are you taking us?!?"

"you'll see, sweetheart."

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