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"appa! where are you taking me?! where is eomma?"

"it doesn't matter. she wanted me to take you to safety-"

"no! take me back! i want my eomma!!" the kid hit his dad in the back with his fists.

"hey! stop, i'm- i'm trying to protect you, son!" his dad sniffled. "you think i wanted to leave her?! her last wish was for me to get you to safety, and you're not helping at all! you're not making this any less painful!"


"i'm sorry.."

"appa, i can run. you don't need to carry me all of the way. you'll get tired easy."

"you don't know the way.. the parks, they'll-" his dad looked over his shoulder.

"make sure you run as fast as you can. follow this trail, they'll be someone waiting. go with him, and he'll make sure you stay safe." his dad let him go, and he started running as quickly as his small legs would take him. his dad fell, and he tried to go back and help him.

"go, mark! before its to late." mark ran without looking back. he ran like a coward, a wimp. his dad groaned as a loud noise sounded.


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