Chapter 13 dont text and drive

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They put cameras every where and microphones. I was watched every were. that's why is it so hard for mom to call the police . they are watching her too. she risked her safety to go to the polices station and report Kendall .but his workers might kill her and melody even my dad. she said one week ...... why couldn't they come now? why did Kendall to this to me !? Jason's dead isn't he ?! why did Jason turn ?!

So many questions and no answers.

I had no sleep I have been up all night it's 7:30 am now.

I got up and went to that bathroom to get ready.

Lets see today are tight leather skinny jean s and a red tub top . black suave heels that taller than melody.

I tied my hair back in a pony tall and didn't even bother with the make up .

I tooled in the mirror and I am horrified with my outfit.

I grabbed a Harry huge sweater that he left a week ago and put it over my half naked body.

I grabbed an apple and headed outside where the devil himself was waiting for me.

" Hey babe" he beamed

" Hey" I whispered.

" Why aren't u wearing make up"

" Amm .. srry I forgot "

" What's with the sweat shirt."

" Ahh I am cold"

" Then put this on " he smiled.

Handing me a leather jacket

" Thanks"

We took a sharpe coner and Kendall got a text.

He looks down to check it and my head flipped up by the deafening sound of a trucks horn speeding towards us,

.... To be continued .....

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