Chapter 3 I said BACK OFF

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Chapter 3

" First day of school , I don't know what to wear!!! " clau whines

." you always where the perfect outfit C " I reassure her

" so true " she smiles

. one think I know Emily can do it cook

. seriously she is one of the best cooks ever.

we all eat her pancakes and get to class. I am a business and dance major . I love I mean love to dance .

clau is a fashion and finance major and Emily ofcourse is a cooking major. so we kind of have diffrent classes but we do have math al together and clau and I have English And accounting ,my first class is English with clau and Kendall ?

" maddy he's here" clau informs me

. I smile at him as he walks in the class but he doesn't even acknowledge me . there is an empty sit beside and I front of me but he sits in the back row.

clau gives me her signiture wtf glances . I answer her by sruging my shoulders

. I look back at him and he has in his earphones listening to music.

What the hell happened to my sweet ,intellectual , smart ,kind British boyfriend???.



As soon as class is finished I try and chase after Kendall to talk to him.

I know needy right!.

{just like in your dream } by subconscious reminds me .

" Hey .. kKendall " I say walking besides him.

" Amm Kendall ??" is he ignoring me . I poke him slightly in his arm . "What?" he says very harshly.

" I .. I was just saying hi" I say softly. "well you said it bye " he pushes past me.

"why are you being like this?" I ask through my teeth.

" like what ??" he says obviously very annoyed .

I am annoyed to I just want to rip those ears phones out of his ears.

" like a jerk!" I say almost shouting but trying not to make a scene

. "Excuse me!" he says threatening

." why are you acting like a jerk"i ask again .

this time more confidently.

" want makes you think that I am acting like a jerk madison?" he ask me like he's my dad.

" u being ignoring me for months the few times we see each other u act like u do t know me or treat me like shit. and now ur threatening me" I say very angrily .

" Look I don't know what your problem is but you need to back off. "he ssays .

" I am your girlfriend trying to talk to you and u act like I am some lost puppy bugging you and following you around!" I shout grabs my wrist and pushes me to the wall.

he has never tryed to physically hurt me before .

" I Said BACK OFF" he growls and walks away. my wrist huts and it has a hand mark on it. I went to the bathroom and wipe my tears before going to math.

" what happend mads." Clau says looking at my puffy cheeks.

"nothing" I say quietly and take out my laptop. she looks over at my hand and sees the bruise

" Madison ! Wtf what happened " she whispers.

" I tryed to talk to Kendall but he shouted at me and told me to back if then he pushed me to a wall "I say with the tone of voice that is saying 'I told you so'

." he wat!, Calm down clau calm down "she breaths

. she rubs my wrist and tells me that this will never happen again.

After math I had dance history and accounting. then I met up with em an clau at the fountain .

as I walk over to the fountain I see clau and Carlos with there tongue down each others throat and Emily on her laptop." hey girls sup cCarlos " I smile

. they stopped kissing and clau sat on his lap

. aww so romantic. " hey maddy como estas ?"

. Give him a thumbs up.

" mads you want to come to the first day costume party totonight clau ask me

" ah duh?" I laugh." I am gona be a sexy kitty Kat." clau says while meowing. " I don't know wether to be a bunny or a rabbit " em says " aren't they the same '" I ask " I think so I don't know the ddifference " we all laugh " I don't know what to be !" I whine. " I no exactly what you should be " clau gives me a wink. "I have a surprise for you but it's at the apartment." she smiles "thanks clau I can't wait '".clau is very outragous at times so I just hope my outfit is now over the TOP!. " Maddy would you like to have a double date with Clau and I tommorow?" Claudine looks at Kendall and gives him the ' Bad Idea' glare." amAmm sure but did u ask Kendall already" I as quietly . " Yea he said wateves which mean si , oh I have to go know lata chicas bye my corason " he say kissing Claus hand.i long for that type of love. The girls and I drive back to the house where the huge package was on our door step . " What if there are puppies?!" em whines. clau rolled her eyes." it's the costumes stupid!" clau looks a em and smiles " ohh yyeaaa " em shrieks." I swear girl u gona love it." clau picks up the box and place it on the coffee table. I got a knife and cut the tape and opened the box." here is my sexy black kitty outfit " clau says Checking out her costume " the ears the tail the CLAWS" clau is in love with the outfit. I think that it fits her . clau is a fierce kitty."here s your bunny em." clau hands em here costume " a mi god I love it .. o look it has a fluffy tail. I am gona look so cutie" em literally freaks out." and heres your angle" clau hands me a drop dead gorous white long , Spilt and the site sweet heart strapless dress. a fabulous pair of feathered and diamond encrusted wings and a sparkling halo. " oh my glamorous god!. Claudine kortez I love you" I hug clau. " are you so posed to be an like angle" Emily ask." no shit Serlock "clau glares at Emily while she laughs. "Well lets get ready" Emily shrieks. we all run upstairs and get ready . I think I should straighten my hair , I will take for ever to do but it's worth it. " don't I look purrrfect. Meow!" clau purrs." love it" she does look ameowzing. wow that was corny." omg Chica muy Bonita . "

I smile " thanks"." hey guys I have a promblem. Amm what sound does a bunny make,!?" I wonder about her sometimes." it doesn't make a sound"

clau says obviously very annoyed. lol." oooh " Emily says like when she just found out that arande grande real hair colour isn't red." anywho y'all ready " clau says

We nod and get our butts to the party if only I knew wat the hell is coming!!!.

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