Chapter 24 New years eve

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Hey guys ittttts gizzy

Again I am soo sorry for the long wait but ...I ain't got no effing Internet yet sooo I gotta hack into pols Internet hehe kidding .....maybe

Here's chapter 24

Maddys POV

" So ...the gold necklace or the silver collar necklace " Emily asked

" Silver "

" Hehe kk .I can't believe that I am going to the New Years black and white party!" she squealed

" Well believe it ! " I hugged her

" This is a dream come true " she said

" Heh ....oh the limo with daya is here come on." I squeal

" Am guys I hope you have a good time " clau said timidly

" I am sure you had a good time fucking my boyfriend " Emily smiled

" Em come on " gritted through my teeth

" I Am Sorry!" he cryed.

" Until your sorry ass kills yourself"

" Em ! lets go !" I shouted

Emily walks out of the house and clau was on the couch crying her eyes out.

" I am not sorry for you. so stop crying. she is the one Soposed to be crying not you "I Said harlishly .

I walked out of the house and went into the car.

In the limo

" Let me take a selfie !" we sang.

" I love the song !" em laughed

" Me too" daya said

" Your cool eEmily "daya said

" Wow thanks that means alot .I like love you" she said

" Thanks " daya smiled

I looked at the both of them .

I don't need Harry or clau I have my two bffs right here and tonight were Gona have fun.

" All of me loves all of you!" I belted from the top of my lungs

" All your curves and all your edges!" Emily sang

Daya was laughing like crazzy.

" We're here!" the driver said

We all squealed and stepped out of the lime onto the red carpet.

" Madison .zendaya and new girl?" roshan said.

" Hey bro" zendaya said

" Hey roshan ,oh this is Emily my other best friend" I said

" Hi Emily"

" Hey"

We started walkin on the red carpet and we took some pictures and gave some autographs

The bouncer lets us in and we headed to the VIP lounge

" Heyjustin " zendaya waved

" Wass up zen , maddy" Justin bieber smiled and hugged us.

" This is Emily "

" Amm ....who?" he asked and gestured behind me

" Her" I said ..but when I looked behind me she was not there!

" Emily?!" I yelled for her.

Emily POV

"I am with maddison and zendaya"i yelled

" Sure am I am a millionare with 4 ccar she scoffed

" U boso !! let me in!" I screamed trying to pry through him.

" Ha ha ha fuuny!" he laughed

" Am sir"

" What!!" he said harishly turning around

"Oh! am miss maddison and mr Justin bieber sir bieber sir." he mubbled

" Am so why is my bestfriend out here and not in here" mad asks

" Amm i...i... " he stuttered

" Amm u..u.. are fired" Justin said

" Ohh...put some ice on that burn n!!!!!" I said

The bouncer glared at me and I gave him a cutie smile before I walked in the club.

" Lol thanks Justin oh! and this is Emily " maddy said

" No promblem and nice to met u eEmily "he said

He waved and walked away

" I wana introduce u to some ppl" she squealed

" Kk"

We walked Over to a table with 4 super cutie guys

" This is roc ,ray ray, prodigy and priiiiinnnceeetoon" she said and blushed and smiled huge at the last name.

Ahh I sense a little crushing between Princeton and maddy .

"Hey" they all said

" Amm ..a..he...heyyy" I said

Omfgee there so hot especially Amm ....what's he's namname roc ?yeah roc heheh .

" I see your a TM" prodigy smiled

" Ye...Yeahh..i love you guys " I said

" MmmMm who's your favorite " roc asked

" I'm talking to him" I whispered to myself

I turned and looked back at roc and he had a huge smile on his face . great!! he heard me .

" Well I know who mads fav is " I smirked winking at Princeton

" Shut up!" she giggle

And Princeton was blushed OMG !!!this is so adorable

As old me would say its toats adorbs.

For the rest of the night we partied like there is no tommorow. then it was ten seconds until New Years .

" Hey soo wana hang out next year" Princeton ask mads

" Next year?? ohhh hehe sure!!" she said nearly tripping over her feet. lol she's soo crushing.

" 10"











Maddys POV

It's a new year!!!

New beginnings right ?

A new life

New friends

What could go wrong !?

Fifty Shades of P!nkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora