Hell: Queen of Assasins

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Book Cover illustrated by: Andrea Nicole C. Tiraña

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Take note that this story is unedited and may or may not have been written a long time ago. It might contain scenes or jokes that you could find insensitive since the author could still be immature at the time and still in the process of growing when writing the said story especially on stories she wrote from 2015-2020.

Read at your own risk.



The characters, businesses, events, and incidents described in this story are purely fictional and products of the author's imagination, unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to real-life people, living or deceased, or actual events is entirely coincidental and unintended. Please be advised that this this book contains mature content and is intended for audiences aged 18 years and above. The story deals with sensitive issues such as violence, mature scenes, and language that may not be suitable for all readers. Please be advised that if you are sensitive to such content or if it may go against your personal beliefs, it is recommended that you do not read this book. The author assumes no responsibility for any discomfort or offense caused while reading this story. By proceeding to read, you acknowledge that you are of legal age and are willing to engage with the story's mature themes and content at your own discretion.



Hell: Queen of Assasins.Copyright © 2017 by.peculiarlullaby.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author.The only exception to this rule is for brief quotations used in critical articles or reviews, which may be reproduced with proper citation and attribution.


HELL:Legendary Assasin Queen


Four Queens vs Four Kings, Gangsters, Assassins, Mafias and Yakuzas Four Organizations Ruled by THEM, them who is mortal enemies from the very start. But there are one legendary Queen An Assassin queen the very powerful and mysterious of all an unbeatable queen.. HELL

What if this legendary Queen died? Loosing the balance of the four organizations resulting a great war And all of them want to take her place, who is worth for HER position?

"No one can ever take the one and only QUEEN'S place.... NEVER"

A Legendary Assassin Queen's mysterious death and the three remaining queens missing.

"We will wait, for that time.We will stop this war, The Queen Shall return.... "

The Queen will return with her revenge that no one can be able to escape.

But then the kings joined forces to solve the mysteries what will they find out?

"My Death started this war, then my Death shall finish it... I will End this war.... "

The Game of Death just started and the Queen is the only one who can end it.

"The DEMON you should NEVER mess up with or you'll face HELL..... "

HELL:Queen Of Assasins


made by:Andrea_Nicute13

HELL:Queen Of Assasins(COMPLLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon