NEW STORY ? (on my profile)

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Hey, guys! In my spare time, along with writing Brotherhood of Cain I've also been writing a new story called Sweet Like Candy. It's an malexmale story involving Tobias "Ticke" Nguyen who's Draven's hacker. He helped locate Draven, find Ethel's father, and was with Ethel when they drove to the Alliance's final gathering. Here's a lil snippet:

Antoine's blue eyes burned into mine, forcing me to meet them. "At first, it was because you felt bad. You saw me beaten down and you thought of yourself. How you were once just like me; under someone's thumb and desperately trying to get out, trying to make something of yourself."

My eyes narrowed. How did he—

"Everyone has a story in Citadel. You don't mention yours, but its in your tattoos, in your words." He ran a finger down my arm, over the black and white jungle, over the faintest sketch of a mansion behind the beauty. I fought back a shiver. "I'm good at that,  seeing stories."

Antoine's eyes were sparking, alive in a way I hadn't seen them before. There was anger and pain, but there was something else. "I notice it now though, it obvious how you look at me. Like I'm something special, like you can see me living my life, even if I don't."

I'm not going to say anymore, but you might want to check it out on my profile. There will be plenty of familiar faces like Draven, Tamal and Shi. The first chapter will be out on Thursday, and since I've written it in advance it will be updated 2 times a week, maybe three. It will be explicit and just as enjoyably violent as BOC. ;)

Love you guys! Brotherhood of Cain's next chapter will be out Friday! :)

- Kirstin (and Rollo)

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