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Lauren's POV

The bell just rang and I'm making my way now to my first class. It's very unusual for me to attend class especially the first day of it. I seldom attend my classes but I can still afford not to fail. I just attend class whenever there are tests and projects that I need to comply. Even so, I still get straight A's.

 When I close my eyes

I can see your face in

The sun shining through

On that special place and  

My phone suddenly rang and I answered it immediately after knowing who's calling.

"What," I said with my known emotionless cold voice.

"Good morning to you too baby Mishi," the person on the other line said animatedly. 

"Stop it and just tell me what you want," I said and then I heard a few people chuckling on the background.

"Okay, okay, chill. Uhm....let's just say, someone's bragging down here" I can already see the grin on the other person's face.

"Be there in 15" 

I immediately ended the call and went to the back door. I can feel a pair of eyes watching my every move but I didn't bother to look back.

I arrived at my house after 10 mins. of driving. I parked my current car in my garage and then went behind the house to get my Pagani huayra. 

I arrived at the venue 2 mins. early. I got off my car and was greeted by the three idiots. Namely; Luke, Kurt, and Ethan.

"Baby Mishi we miss you soooo much," the three of them said while attempting to hug me.

"Fuck off guys," I said as I lean on my car standing in front of them.

"Austin Mahone," Luke said.

I looked at him as if telling him to continue.

"Arrogant young man who acts as if he owns everything." just as those words left Luke's mouth, three cars arrived.

They parked opposite from us. They got off their cars and talked with one another. The boy in the middle saw me looking at them and he then winked at me. I'm assuming that his Mahore, Mawore or whatever the fuck his name is.

"What the hell?!" Kurt said while laughing so hard.

I turned back to the three of them and saw them laughing like there's no tomorrow. They are all clutching their stomachs while tears form in their eyes. I ignored them and instead looked around. A lot of people are already here. After an hour or two, the moderator started to talk. 

"Okay. So today we're here to watch another race. It'll be between our known, great Phoenix and the challenger, Jaguar. Let's see who's gonna win this race knowing that both people have different styles in racing." the crowd went wild.

"So let's not wait for another minute, participants get on the line now!!" the crowd went wilder.

I'm starting to get inside the car when Luke starts to speak again. 

"Be careful Lauren. He doesn't play fair," he said in a brotherly tone earning a nod from me.

I completely got in my car and started the engine. I went to the line and waited for the signal that indicates the start of the race.

A few seconds later, a girl holding flags in each hand went to the center and started to raise the flags. I made my car roar as the crowd went wild again and started counting.

"5......4.......3.......2.......1" as soon the flags went down, I sped off right away.

I'm the one leading the game. I can see the opponent's car a few meters from me. I saw him smirk and then in one blink, he is already beside me. But I didn't worry about it. Not until he started to bump my car. 

"Fucking hell" I cursed loudly as he bumped again the side of my car. 

He bumped me again and again from my side. When I saw another corner I smirked and then I stepped on the gas. I left the scumbag a few meters away again. As I'm nearing the corner, I saw him increasing his speed. I know exactly what his planning to do but I won't let him bump my car again.

He is about to bump my car again from the side at the same time to turn, when I suddenly slowed down and turn the wheel to the left to avoid bumping him and damaging more my car. He didn't expect my move and it's too late for him to realize what's happening. He collided with the containers along the corner. Some of the containers went above his hood blocking his sight.

I used the time to really make a good distance away from him. I can already see some of the people cheering from here. I looked back to see that the scumbag is starting to chase behind me. But I put my car on full speed and crossed the line before him. The crowd went wilder again and started cheering for me. After a little while, the scumbag's car went to an abrupt stop beside my car.

I rolled down my window as he rolled down his. He turned to me glaring hard. I smirked at him and I swear I can really see smokes coming out from his ears and nose. 'Boos' can be heard from the crowd which only fueled more his anger. No one broke the gaze and I'm literally enjoying every second of looking at him while he looks like he can kill anytime.

"The Great Phoenix won again!! Let's give her a deafening cheer!!" the announcer; Steve said.

And with that, the poor kid drove away with his friends following him. I also made my way out of U.G.W. Not bothering to say something to the three because I know that they already know what to do.

Right Person at the Wrong TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ