Luca sighed, an almost exhausted sound leaving his mouth, "Chloe, you're never really going to get to leave this place and if you do, it's going to be in a body bag on its way to get dumped in a landfill."


"That's life. This life."

We walked around the compound in silence after that. The property was made up of one large, beautifully designed house, surrounded by various other small buildings that didn't look quite as nice. It killed me to say that the main house was probably nicer than any house my dad ever bought and he made an honest living. These losers didn't. They probably stole everything they had.

Luca's phone started to ring from inside the pocket of his dark slacks. He wasted no time in fishing it out of his pocket, "I need to take you back to your room. I'm needed," he said after looking down at his phone. He didn't answer it though.

I nodded, accepting my fate for the night.


"There are no cups in here," I said after searching through the bathroom cabinets as Lilly had instructed me to do. I was thirsty as hell.

"Use your hands then."

I gave her a dumb look before walking out of the bathroom and over to the bedroom door. Maybe it wasn't locked and I could quickly sneak downstairs to get a glass or maybe even a water bottle.

Escaping was pretty pointless right now. There were cameras everywhere and men scouting out every inch of this place.

I put my hand on the golden knob and twisted, the door opening to my complete surprise.

I didn't want Lilly to catch wind of this and sneak out. I knew she would try to run and she was only one bad decision away from getting killed, so I quickly slipped out into the hallway and closed the door soundlessly behind me.

I started tiptoeing down the hallway, my feet cold against the hardwood floor.

To my knowledge, there wasn't a whole lot going on on this side of the house, and that's why Tony kept us here. That's why I was caught off guard when I heard a very thick Italian accent from down the hallway. Curiosity always killed the cat, but I didn't care. Everyone made it painfully obvious that I wasn't getting out of here anyway.

I followed the voice until I came to a set of double doors, one of them being ajar, and I peaked inside the room. It was an office, I knew that, but I couldn't see much else.

There were two people just out of my line of sight, but I could tell one was a man and the other was a woman.

They were fighting, but I couldn't tell what was being said because it was all being spoken in Italian.

I could feel the anger, and I couldn't even see them!

"Eavesdropping, eh fiore?" Hot air hit the side of my neck as an arm snaked around my waist. Tony.

I wasn't about to get dragged back to the room without a fight, so I pushed the door in front of me open the rest of the way and lurched myself inside.

Tony's grip around me fastened as the two of us stumbled into the office, both pairs of eyes now on us. I looked up, my eyes meeting the boss man's. Its been maybe two hours since I've seen him last, but in that time frame it looked as if he'd missed out on an eternities worth of sleep.

"Can I help you?" He sounded exasperated and something told me that wasn't because of anything I had done. It was because of the woman he was talking to.

I feel like someone said the two of them were getting married or something. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Tony pulled me back forcefully, the hand he used to grip my wrist would probably leave a bruise on my fragile skin. "No. Chloe got out. I was just coming to get her," he explained.

"I actually needed to talk to you about her," Angelo said before lowering himself into the chair behind his desk. He gave the woman a look one could only interpret as unfriendly and she left the room without saying another word.

"Maybe marriage isn't right for you," Tony said boldly before letting me go.


"Dom said she's looking to share half the power."

He already seemed like a really evil person, but something washed over him, something that scared me. I wanted to leave the room because it looked like he was about to take all of his anger out on Tony and I didn't want to witness a murder. "Italia's none of yours or anyone else's business," he put his arms on the desk and leaned forward, "What's your plan for her and the other girl?" He asked the question slowly, daring Tony to lie.

"No plan yet."

"I should kill you," Angelo threw himself back in his chair, "Now I have to keep Sienna and Lorenzo here because what if she runs and tells her dad where her sister is. You know how crazy she is!"

"How do you know Sienna?" I inserted myself into their conversation. It was a bold move I would probably end up regretting later. "I can't imagine a loser like Lorenzo being involved with you guys."

I guess they were all losers in a sense, but Lorenzo was disgusting. Like truly disgusting.

Angelo's eyebrows raised as he gave me a questioning look, "That loser is my brother."

Mesmerizing Mr. Mafia|The RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now