Promises are Made to be Broken

Start from the beginning

"You can freak out later," Reles told me. "right now you got to keep it together, alright? That's how you're gonna make it out of here."

I nodded, swallowing the excruciating lump in my raw throat.

"Come on you guys," Hank called. "We gotta get moving."

I sighed and put my things back in my pack, putting it back on. I stood and offered Slivko my hand to help him up.

"I can help him," Reles offered as he stood.

"I want to," I replied. "I promised not to leave his side. And we saw what happens when he leaves my side," I pointed out.

Slivko took my hand and got up.

"Lesson learned," he smirked.

I put his arm over my shoulder and we made our way after the others.

"I know I kinda made it a joke, but I am serious, you scared me death," I scolded him firmly.

"I'm sorry May," He said softly as he pulled me closer and kissed the side of my head.

I melted just a little bit and hated myself for it.

"Just don't do it again," I told him, rubbing his back.


We got out of the boneyard without further incident and made it into a strange forest. Everything was pale and flaky, from the trees to the ground. I wondered if we would use the radio to find Jack. I didn't see much sign of the helicopter and I was getting antsy. The only thing that held me together was my grip on Slivko. He'd become such a reassuring, comforting presence, I didn't know what I'd do with out him.

"Are we getting closer, do you think?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure," He told me. "I didn't catch what the coordinates were when they talked about it."

Up ahead I noticed that everyone had stopped and Conrad, Hank and Packard seemed to be arguing. At first I was too far away to hear what exactly they were saying. Slivko and I wobbled up just when Conrad dangled some dog tags in front of Packard.

"Your man is dead," He told him.

My blood ran cold.


Every eye turned to me in the following silence, the atmosphere heavy with realization, and the regret crossed Conrad's face instantly.

"I'm sorry, Maybelle," He said, his gaze downcast. He stepped over and handed me the tags.

I hesitated as the world began to spin. I didn't want to touch those, I didn't want to see. But I had to, I had to prove it wrong.

My hand shook as the cool metal hit my palm. One tag was bent, but the engraving caught the light.

Jack Chapman.

My knees nearly buckled as my heart plummeted down to them.

"Where did you get them?" I questioned defiantly.

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