Chapter Fifteen...Secret out in the open

Comenzar desde el principio


     (Sakinah's P.O.V)

     Oh SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! I searched around frantically, not giving up. Where is it?? "Sis, I'm really tired. Forget this search, you must have had lost in elsewhere." Aisyah complained, tired of all two hour search we've been on.

     Where is it, where is it?? Come out come out wherever you are! "Sis, can I go now? I'm really tired."

     "You really think it is somewhere else?" I asked, tears full of worry and grief. She nodded.

     "Do you really think so?" I asked again, not willing to believe it.

     "YES SIS. Now can I please just go?" I nodded still crying but fell on the ground.

     "S-Sis, STOP IT! You said I could go? Stop hugging on my legs!" Noooooooo!! I hate this bad luck of mine. I whimpered.

     Aisyah was struggling to release her legs. "You can't go! Who else gonna clean this mess in my room? You're the one who stirred it in the first place!"

     "EXCUSE ME? I was helping you search just now. Wasn't that what you asked for?"

     "Well I don't need your fruitless help! The ring is still missing anyways. So you can go un-do your help along with this mess."

     "SIS!" Aisyah complained feeling helpless.

     "Okay, okay go! Damn, nobody ever cares for me in this house anyways." Aisyah ran out the door at lightning speed, pretending to not hear the last part of my speech so that she won't be guilt by me.

     I wiped my tears with my sleeve and blow my nose on a tissue. Hassan will kill me! That ring was his mother's most priced possession. I hate myself more and more everyday.

     I tried clearing my head so I could think clearly. If it's not in my house, where else? I wonder when was the last time I saw it. The canteen during the food fight! And...Hassan was the last one there. Now where's my hand phone? I dug under all my clothes. There it is. I quickly dialed Hassan's phone number fidgeting with my shaky fingers. After the fifth deathly long rings, Hassan finally answered it. "Hello?"

     "Oh, hi Hassan! So nice to hear you ahaha."

     "Sakinah? Um, how are you??" Hassan sounded unsure.

     "FINE, ABSOLUTELY FINE! Marvellous. Why would you think anything's wrong, huh? Why, why?"

     "....." There was a stinging long awkward silence. "So...goodbye I guess?" He continued.

     "NO WAIT! Alright, listen. I only going to say this once. Yesterday, when you clean the canteen- thank you by the way- did you come across any lost object?"

     "Not sure, no. Why did you lose something?"

     "Why did you found something?" I retorted.

     "Okay, seriously what's wrong? I didn't see anything but I saw Mirza and he was last to leave there."

     "WHAT? W-WHO? YOU MEAN THAT JACKASS JERK? I mean, pardon my language."

     "...What did you lose? Is it really that important." He sounded concern and slightly suspicious at my weird behavior.

     "..." I gasped silently, " tissue packet?"

     "....." The other end was silent and I cursed myself. It was a spontaneous answer, I wasn't given the time to think of a great lie. "Tissue packet? ...Why??.."

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