Mission X: Ruin Camila and Shawn's Date at All Cost

Start from the beginning

I hurriedly jogged my way towards the driver's seat and revive the engine of my car. I'm sure Kendall will surely kill me for being late. I switch the gear of my car when my phone suddenly buzzed in. It was Kendall, speaking of the devil.

I answer the call but I make sure my phone is away from my ear because I know Kendall will yell at me.

And she did...


I bit my lower lips to prevent myself from laughing, "I'm sorry. I'll drive as fast as I can, okay?"

"Jerk! It's fine, take your time. I don't want Camila to blame me because something bad happens to her wife."

"She's not my real-real wife, remember?"

"Then make it real though." Kendall laugh, "I know you want it."

"Whatever. I'll hang up now cause I'm driving. Talk to you soon, bye!" I pressed the end call button and started to drive off towards our house to get change.

The drive only took 25 minutes since the skatepark is not that far from home. I park my car at the side as I grab my skateboard from the passenger seat before I exit my car and hurriedly go inside the house.

"Lauren," I stop from my tracks, only to see my mom and Brie slacking off at the couch while looking at me with a smile written on their lips.

How come she's still here?! I thought she went back to where the hell she came from?!

A frown and furrowed eyebrows is what my response to their smile, "What the hell is she doing here?!"

"Lauren, have some respect. Brie's our visitor." My mom tamed me since she probably know by now what I did to Brie when she visited Carolton the other day.

"Hi Lauren, I missed you." Brie run towards my direction and before she can cling her long arms against mine, I used my skateboard as my shield.

"Don't you dare!" I glare at her before I quickly run towards my room. I lock the door and check it for like 10 times just to make sure I'm safe and no hermit can invade the room I'm currently in.

I'm quite surprise that this room is empty. It's Saturday morning yet Camila is no where to be found. She's probably spending some of her time with Ally and Dinah. Worst, with that asshole, Shawn!

I quickly stripped down my clothes and took a 20 minutes bath, wrapped the towel around my body, and hurriedly walk over to my closet. I put on my grey soccer hoodie, a black ripped jeans and my baseball cap that my dad bought me when we visited Chicago last year.

I grab the stuff I needed for today before I storm off the room, "Going out again?" My mom asked who's currently preparing the table for lunch.

"Yeah. I'm going to meet Kendall today."

"I'll go with you, Lauren. I also want to meet your friends." And before I could even react, Brie is already hugging me from behind with her arms wrapped around my waist.

"No, you can't!" I said disgustedly before pushing her away from me using all of my strength.

"Please? Promise, I'll behave."

"Mom!" I protested because she's starting to get on my nerves again.

"Take her with you and enjoy your bonding. I will also go to the spa today."

I let out a very loud sighed while looking at Brie who's giving me a wide grin, "Let's go!" She squealed excitedly before she grab my hand and drag me outside.

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