The Great Wall of My Heart

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I was once a joyful being 'til I was tainted by sadness.

I was but an innocent child corrupted by the evil nature of humans.

Why does this happen to me? Why do they always hurt me? Am I unloved? Unimportant? Insignificant? I've always thought of that.

Even the beauty of the purest springs or the flowery groves can be destroyed by the irresponsibility of humans, and even a cheerful child like me can shut the world out eventually.

I built a wall, the greatest wall of all—greater than the walls of China itself—The Great Walls of My Heart, and I am not letting anyone pass.

But you were different. You changed me, the only one who managed to change me. Unlike the others, you weren't strong, but you were patient.

You weren't a wrecking ball, unlike them, that has the strength to bring down the walls I built in just a matter of minutes but still failed; but you were patient—patient enough to wait for so long to earn my trust again and bring back the sunshine in my heart after a perpetual storm.

You didn't destroyed my walls in a matter of minutes; you were patient—patient enough to take it down brick by boring brick.

And you walked such a path to see me.

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