Chapter 13

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Please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. I am wondering if this is getting boring or it is okay. Thanks.

Chapter 13

I nervously tugged on my white shirt’s end tail. I was wearing a white loose shirt and dark jeans. School was a word that I was afraid of, yet I was happy about finally getting to learn again. I mean it has been a while since I’ve learn anything new. From all those library trips and Jamie teaching me, it had been all second handed. It was either an author writing it down or Jamie learning it and then showing me. Sometimes, it was hard to get since he was not the best teacher ever. 

“Stop squirming around, Lia, you’re making me anxious too,” Cade said while paying attention to the rode. He was driving us to school in his navy blue Volvo s60. I so do not understand guys and their cars, I mean when Tamra got into the car and slammed the door shut, he grimaced at the big impact. He said something along the lines of, ‘Please don’t hurt my baby.’ Just plain weird. 

“What happens if they-” I was cut off with Cade giving me a stern look.

“Lia, don’t worry about anything just enjoy your time here. I will protect you from any harm.” He said. He looked straight into my eyes. He was serious and I could tell from his expression. He did not have a playful smile or glint in his eyes, it was dead straight. It reads, ‘If someone dares to misplace one hair of yours they will be turned into pulp’ He broke our eye contact and returned his eyes onto the road. 

“Aw, aren’t you guys a cute couple!” Tamra exclaimed while having this dreamy look on her face. She sighed and went to Lala Land, probably thinking about Trey. “I wished that I could have went school with Trey too.” 

“Why didn’t you guys?” I asked her while turning my head to face her. She was sitting on the back seat. Tamra insisted for me to sit in the passenger side this morning. She said that she did not want to “ruin” our little moments together, whatever she means by that.

“Of course we went to school together, but we official became mates after he graduated. I was so sad, we couldn’t make out in the janitor’s closet.” Tamra gave out another sigh. Then a mysterious smile came up. 

Cade scrunched up his face and almost let go of the wheels while covering his ears. “Tamra, I have no intent of knowing what goes on between my brother and you!” I giggled, so Tamra knew these comments bothered Cade. 

“Finally Lia!” You smiled today!” She exclaimed while giving me this victorious look. 

“It was worth it to hear those comments, in exchange I got to listen to your beautiful laugh.” Cade gave me his million watt smile. So this was all planed by then to get me to laugh! They were seriously sweet!

The car stopped in a parking log. There I faced a large crowd of students coming in and out of the school. Some with large group of friends others walked silently in. Just by looking I could tell that Cade and Tamra are popular, because when the car was parked, most people stopped and stared. 

Turning off the engine Cade turned to me once again, “Lia if anything happens, anything at all, even if you needed a drink or something like that just mental link Tamra or me and we will fly to you.” He said genuinely. “Dad and mom tried to get you in the same class as one of us every period, the school said yes but we are not sure. Remember if you need us, just call. Also if anything happens hold your head up high, don’t show weakness.” 

I opened my mouth to say that I understood, but nothing came out. It was as if there was something that made me couldn’t talk. So instead, I shut my mouth and nodded my head. Cade took my hand and his warmth filled me, I calmed down a bit. I took a deep breath and nodded at Cade to signal that I was ready to fight my horror. 

We got out of the car and walked into the school. The hallways was long and wide, big enough to fit loads of walking students. The walls were grayish and there was a window with what seems like millions of championship cups in there. Then next to the window was the main office. Cade open the door for Tamra and I and said, “Ladies first.” He motioned us in and grinned at me.

“Oh my, Cade it has been so long since I seen you at school,” said lady standing at the front desk. She had a loose bun on top of her head and she seemed like she was in her forties or so. She dressed up professionally, but I could tell that she was a nice lady. 

“I have been dealing with pack business, but I am back for good, well at least till the end of the school year.” Cade leaned on the front desk and stood there casually. “Anyways, this is Olivia Heatherson, by the way call her Lia.” 

“Oh that’s right, I remember your parents calling me in demanding for a spot for this precious and gorgeous girl.” I blushed at her compliment. I would never get used to hearing those. The lady walked to her desk and rummaged it trying to find something. “Ah ha! Found you kiddo.” She said. She handed my schedule and Tamra snatched it away from me to look. 

“Oh goody! You have the first half of school with Cade and the last half with me!” She bounced up and down on her heels, excitingly. Then dragged me out of the office showing me my locker.

Behind me Cade said, “By Mrs. Trueman, I better catch up or who know what Tamra do to that poor girl.” 

“Let’s see 102, it’s near Cade’s locker, come on you guys hurry up. If you walk that slow we would never get to Lia’s locker today.” Tamra was happily skipping, in the hallway, but that was when there was a bulb of yellow pushed me down and jumped onto Cade. 

I landed on my butt painfully. I turned to find out who caused this and I saw something shocking. My heart stung and I sat there looking like a freak, staring at Cade and the girl making out. It seemed like days or years till Cade pushed her away from him. The blonde licked her lips and said, “It has been a long time babe.” 


A/N Yay another chapter of Love Exist. I was planning on putting much more into this chapter, but I was like, why not giving you guys some suspense to hold onto. So here it is. Haha. Anyways happy reading. Please, please, please comment and tell me what you think. I would appreciate it. Anyways as usual please vote, comment and fan! 

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