Love Exists

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Chapter 1

The sound of cheers hits my ears as they haled me into the arena of death. The rough ground grinded against me, causing my flesh to rip apart. My used to be white fur was all matted with crimson blood. The smell of blazing fire clotted my nose. The arena was like a wrestling stadium, instead of a ring they installed a big wooden board. This is the place where I am going to be skinned alive. It was unfair for me, I had not choice what color my fur was.

I whimpered, I don't want to die so young. Why was my fur color hated in this society of werewolves? Why was I hated? It was not my fault that a white wolf once killed an entire pack, I was not even born yet! There was nothing I could do to save myself from death.

Alpha Derek stood in front of me with an evil glint in his eyes, also a nasty smirk started to form. He waved his hands which signaled his helpers to pull me up onto the board. That bastard did the honors to lock my fore and hind legs. The locks were so tight on that it cut into my skin.

The crowd cheered louder. My belly, the weak point of any wolf faced front. I struggled and tried to break free, but the only response I got was the lock getting tighter. My head was bowed down, all I could hear was, "Traitor, traitor," from the crowd, they got louder and louder as the clock ticked on. I wonder if I would have a better life when I reborn. I would not want to suffer from the same fate.

Derek held up a sharp knife and turned around to face the crowd. The whole stadium went deathly silent. "Welcome pack!" Derek said with an ugly tone. "Today we are going to witness the death of the white wolf, Olivia Heatherson! We are going start the skinning at twelve o'clock sharp!" The crowd roared. If I was in human form, big sweat would have made its way down my face. I did not dare to look up at Derek's glaze. It would anger him more, and he would make my death slower and more painful. There was no chance that I would survive this. My head felt fuzzy, they forced some yucky substances down my throat this morning and it was starting to take effect.

"Do not give up Lia!" My wolf thought encouragingly.

I growled lowly, showing her my frustration, "I know, but how can I escape?"

"Find a way!" The connection between my wolf was weakened so it was hard to have a conversation with her. This was the worse part of being executed. They cut our connection between our wolves. We would go crazy if our wolves was not there to support us. It would drive us nuts and that was what they liked to see.

Derek held his knife and slowly closed the distance between us, I smelt the bad odor of his breath.

Something caught my eye. It was not the dangerously sharp knife, nor was it the time. It was my parents. They stood there with the whole pack cheering for my death. A tear almost escaped, but I held it in. I lost everything the day I turned into a white wolf. My family, friends, and all the people in the pack, they would look at me in disgust. My parents and brother would give me this glare that reads, "I wish you were not born." All my dreams were smashed like a delicate flower petal. I guess I was kind of glad to end this life. It would be horrible but even if I live I would have to survive through abuse. I would not cry, crying would just please Derek letting him know he was torturing me. Even if this was the last day I was going to live, I would never show him a single bit of weakness coming from me, I would not satisfy him. I hope that someday he would regret what he had done to all those innocent people.

Ding, ding, ding. Everyone went into silent mode again, it was my death time. For the last time, I hesitantly looked around trying to find a way to escape. Only if I could change out of my wolf form, then my hands and legs would be skinny enough to go through the locks! Was this my fate?

Without a warning Derek stabbed the knife closely to my heart and pushed the knife downwards causing a deep, painful wound. I howled in pain. I could feel the blood dripping down my fur and some slid onto the knife. People in this pack adored the process it was tormenting. They would drag the knife gradually, so you could feel every movement they do to you. Most people who were assassinated here fainted from the ugly feeling. Then they would skin you alive, whether your awake or have already fainted. The pack would watch every step and their ear bursting cheers would raise its volume as the process gets what they call "juicier."

I closed my eyes, ready for the darkness to take over me, but right then I heard a bam. My eyes snapped open to see Derek kneeling over with pain and my former best friend, Jamie, stood in front of me. Jamie was holding a gun that was filled with gold bullets. The werewolves that were guarding were down on their knees too.

He clumsily unlocked the chains and his eyes swept over me to see the damage. After checking that I was in an okay state he said "Hurry go I will take care of this!" I looked up in horror as the army of wolves stalked slowly toward us. "Hurry! Go! I will take care of this!" He repeated. In mid air he changed into his wolf form. He ran towards the army, before he reached them he looked back at me and sent me a mental link. "Please go, I want you to live a happy life. Go! Lia, go!"

With no choice left, I staggered down the path leaving trails of blood behind me. My heart pounded with pain as my tears dripped down my fur which caused a burning sensation. I ran or more like limped as far as I can until my legs gave out. A soft patch of grass greeted me as I collapsed.

Before I gave into the darkness, I heard a sad howl which indicated death. Jamie the guy that I was friends with since diaper days, the Jamie that I was separated from because of the color of my fur, was dead. He sacrificed his precious life for me. He gave me something that was irreplaceable. Another tear slipped out, before my body gave in and I slipped into darkness. My final thought was, "I am going to live on for Jamie."


A/N Yay! Fourth story to upload! Haha I have no finished any stories yet, I am working on it, that is my next goal. Trying to finish stories. For some reason I always end my stories with the same thing, either they fall asleep or faint..... I know this is going to be short on Wattpad.... Sorry just bare with me. Gotta love cliff hangers :P I hate them personally, but as a writer I LOVE THEM! Ack I am babbling now..... Anyways as usual please comment, vote and fan (if you like.) See you next time! Oh and any grammar mistakes please tell me. I would be really happy if you pointed it out to me and help me fix it so I can see what I did wrong instead of not knowing where to fix. Thanks!


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