Chapter 5

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I would like to delicate this chapter to Jsutt. She is awesome! Anyways Jsutt thank you for reading and supporting from the beginning, you have no idea how thankful I am! 

Chapter 5

Cade’s POV

The warmth of Lia’s hand stopped me from moving. I could feel her hands shivering in fright. Something must have happened that made her so terrified. A dream of some sort. No, a dream would not cause her to be so frightened. Would it be because of her memories of being in her pack? I growled lowly, how dare they hurt a delicate girl.

“Please stay.“ Lia whispered. I almost did not catch what she said to me, but thank god for wolf hearing. She looked up and I saw tears forming in her eyes, “Stay please, I don’t want to be alone right now.” 

Damn, I could never stand girls crying. Also something told me that I should listen to her or else a bad thing might happen. I could not put a finger on what bad thing but I trust my instinct and fulfilled her request. Nodding my head I said, “I will stay but hold on I am going to get my blankets so I could sleep on the couch.” 

After I gathered my blanket and pillow from my bed I quickly walked to her room. I saw her hugging herself when I reached her door. She looked like a scared little mice being lost and trapped. I dumped my things onto the couch and faced her, “Come on you need sleep or else your never going to heal properly.” 

Walking near her bed I gently pushed her down and pulled the blankets on her. She flinched when I touched her. It made me sad at the thought that she did not like people touching her. It might be anything thing that was caused by her pack.  I pushed the feeling away and said, “Good night.” 

The clock reads four o’clock. I sighed, I am going to have a long day tomorrow even though it is Saturday. I displease pack meetings with elders, they rant a lot and most of the time they ignore me or always compares me to my brother. They just go on and on about those things. I just want to rip their mouths away from them, so they can't talk.

Laying down on the couch I fall asleep fast, despite the fact that I was on the sofa.


Swish. I groaned when the bright light shined on my eyes. “My, my Cade why are you here?” I heard an all familiar female voice ask me. I slowly cracked open my eyes and saw my mom standing in front of me. 

“Beautiful as always Mrs. Everest.” I said playfully trying to imitate my dad’s voice. Well of course my mom was a beautiful women, with her chocolate brown hair matching her hazel eyes. She look like she had not aged since twenty five.

While laughing my mom said, “Cade, that was a fail imitation there,” looking over at Lia’s bed she asked, “Now stop beating around the bush and tell me why you are here?" Her eyes lighted up and exclaimed, “Please tell me you just found your mate!” 

“Mom, I just met her yesterday how would I know, this is not like a book where you find your mate while touching them.” I said while rolling my eyes. I grunted in pain while getting up from sleeping position. I massaged my neck and tried to take away the tension. “Mom, why are you in here anyways?” I asked curiously while massaging. 

“Why are you asking? Am I ruining a moment with you guys? Oh my if I am, are you trying to rape that poor girl because she is still not awake.” Mom said while raising an eyebrow. 

“Mom,” I said while chucking, “You know I would never do that.” I got up and stretch out my legs. 

“I am here to see how she is doing.” Mom must have read my face and knew I was confused, she started to explain, “I thought it would be easier for a women to talk to her.” I nodded finally understanding what she was talking about. “Come on lets go out and eat breakfast.” Mom said and glanced at Lia when she pulled the blanket over her ears, “I think we’re bothering her.” Agreeing with mom, I walked out of the guest room.


A/N I am so sorry that this is another short chapter >.< I have a sore throat right now and just ate some sleepy cold medicine. Haha I know the medicine works because right now I feel like I am dreaming. I wanted to write anyways so I did. I am sorry for any grammar errors or anything like that just please point them out if there is any. If I am feeling any better might write during the weekend we will see. Anyways as usual please comment, vote or fan (even better all of the above!) Thanks for reading!

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