Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Cade’s POV

The words slipped out before I could control myself. The only thing I had in my mind was protecting Lia. My wolf was screaming at me telling me that if I don’t say it out loud I would regret it my whole life. 

Lia looked at me with total shock in her eyes. Her mouth was opened showing her pure white long teeth. If she was in human form her jaws would have touched the ground. I had to lie about being her mate. We have no idea whether or not we are mates anyways. Unlike stories it takes up a long time before we know if we’re mates or not. I guess whoever made werewolves thought that before you get all touchy, touchy with each other you would have to know them better. 

“Cade what nonsense are you talking about!” The elder roared. I recognized him immediately. His name was Paul and he always criticized me about not being as talented as my brother and things like that. Paul was never my favorite elder. Let’s rephrase that I don’t think I have any favorites. All of them are so strict, stubborn, and cranky. Once they made up their mind it does not matter whether the Alpha refuses because they, themselves would get the job done. “This girl is a useless piece of shit, we do not accept her as part of the alpha’s family!” 

My hands formed into a fist and I could feel my trimmed nails cutting into my skin. I did not care what he said about me, but he would not insult someone because of their fur color! 

“What’s the matter Cade?” I heard Trey ask using our pack’s link. He must have felt my emotion. I was furious right now so I did not worry about putting up my barrier. I was in the brink of transforming into my wolf and ripping him in pieces. I heard my wolf agreeing with me. Everyone could hear my thoughts but I did not care. The only thing that I cared about really was getting Lia out of this nasty situation. “Cade calm down! Killing someone would only cause you more trouble!” Trey said trying to persuade me from cutting him open and pulling his guts out. 

I felt a nudge on my leg. I glanced down to find Lia with a pleading look. “Cade your brother is right don’t do anything stupid. If you kill this elder not only will your pack’s name will be stained it would also cost the whole pack’s life.” Her pleading actually worked because my fist loosened up a bit. 

“Paul you will not talk about my mate like this!” I said with commanding words. It came out so strong and clear that I literally saw people backing away from us. Even the stupid coward that almost attacked the child. 

“Paul my friend what is the matter?” My father’s voice spread across the garden. I took my eyes off of Paul and spotted my dad with my brother. I could feel the anger coming from my brother too. He hated people that did not like white wolves. His mate was one and he was determined to protect her and her kind. 

“Trey don’t you think it is outrageous for him to have a white furred mate!” Paul bewailed. My brother kept a calm looking face but I could hear both his wolf and him swearing at that ass. 

My brother opened his mouth to say something, but I beat him, “So are you hinting that our alpha female is unacceptable?!” My comment lingered in the air and I shut Paul up. 

“Yes I agree with what Cade had said. We do not welcome anyone who is prejudice against the color of our fur.” 

“I am not welcome! Don’t kid with me I am a elder and I have more power than you do!” Paul said with a less confident voice than before. From the look of Paul’s face and his voice I could tell that he knew that he was losing this battle. 

My father finally opened his mouth and said, “Paul as I remember correctly you’re not in a high position in this pack as an elder. We can get rid of you right now and here.” I smirked when Paul’s face paled and slowly backed away and admitted defeat by lowering his head. Yes that’s right no one messes with the Everest family members. 

“Now apologize to Lia,” Trey ordered Paul. Then he turned around and pointed at Dylan, “As for you Alpha Dylan I think it is time for you to go back to your pack. We enjoyed your visit.” He said sarcastically. 


The rest of the party went well but the only thing that bothered me was Lia. She had not spoken to me ever since the fight. She quickly said thank you to all of us and ran with full werewolf speed into her room. I shouldn’t have shouted that out. Now everyone believed we're actually mates. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed. I punched the bed really hard, man I was surprised that the impact did not break the it into two pieces. This was really frustrating. I questioned myself why did I say that? 

Dumbo dig in deeper, calm down and only think of Lia!” Her image started to show up in my mind. I growled when I remembered the battered look the day I found her. Then a grin crossed my face when I pictured her smiling at me. I felt so comfortable and relax. I really wanted to hug her and tell her that I was her….. 

I stood up quickly. No way! “Yes way idiot.” My wolf said. 

“She is my mate!” I yelled in my mind. 

“No duh Sherlock. Took you long enough!” Replied my wolf annoyed by the fact that I was so slow.

I flung open my door and took huge long steps and I stopped right in front of Lia’s door. I knocked and instantly froze, what was I thinking! From the expression she had on her face when I blurted out that I was her mate she looked confused and somehow worried. She would totally reject me if I told her now. I was about to turn around and leave but it was too late. The door opened and my beautiful mate stood in front of me. 


A/N Thank you very much for reading! I am really happy right now! I was about to make Cade not figure out that Lia is his mate but then I thought you guys would hate me if I didn't. The romance starts here. So don't stop reading and come back frequently to check out my next update please :) As usual please comment, vote and fan. Thanks! 

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