Chapter 31

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I KNOW I KNOW THERE ISN'T ENOUGH ERERI RIGHT NOW, I GET IT! But you just have to be patient. It will come. Stay calm. I will delve into the smothering relationship issues soon. Meanwhile please enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment.



Levi had been called away to a meeting of some sort which left me with too much time on my jittery hands, still shaking from the sudden shock of Levi reintroduced to my system. 

He hadn't wanted to go. When he was forced to he had asked if I could go but no one else saw the benefit of having a fresh out of training cadet in a meeting for higher ups even if I was the one who had 'killed' the berserker titan. 

I was told to wait outside.

Members of my class flitted in and out of the building, some lingering in the courtyard and a few trying to hide in the dark corners of the hallways to get out of cleanup duty. I sidled up to a endow on the same level as the ground and scanned the shifting crowds to find any trace of my children. I hadn't seen either of them since before my transformation did I was anxious to know how they were.

The thump of a body did the shift of military issued clothes drew my attention to just beside the window where one Jean Horse-face found himself sitting against the wall. I smiled at the opportunity to ignore the rising anxiety and smirked the smirk I only smirked when the smirking horse was around and smirking. I could already feel my worry ebbing.

But Jean wasn't smirking.


~pov change~

"Thank you" I said with a smile. Shaggy brown hair flipped as the head it was attached to whipped around to face me. He didn't break eye contact as he gently whispered something to his shadow. It only took a few seconds for us to be alone with no black haired shadows lurking nearby.

"What for?"

I'm truth I didn't really know what I was thanking him for. It had just been a passing statement that some advice had been given and that was that. But I knew that it wasn't just that.

The way he had walked to me, so filled with confidence and a powerful pride that hadn't been there just hours before spoke volumes on how it wasn't just that. The way he had touched me, actually touched me instead of flinching as if burned every time he reached out to hold. The way he had smiled like the sun was in his very teeth, his lips splitting apart in the hopes that the rest of the world would catch some of his rays.

I couldn't help smiling just as wide and the green eyes across from me crinkled in joyful wrinkles that crackled their knowledge. I didn't have to tell him what for.

"It was already in his head" He chuckled, "He just needed to know he wasn't alone"

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