Abnormal Relations

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I just wanted to say that I am not homophobic in any way. If I was, why would I be writing a yaoi story? This chapter has mentions of homophobia and there will definitely be some homophobia in the future. I am not aiming to offend anyone with this, it is simply a part of the story. If you do happen to be offended by this, feel free to tell me and I'll see what I can do about it. Please don't yell at me if you are displeased. It won't help anyone. I will apologize now if someone gets offended.

I am sorry.


Shado on'nanoko.


Levi didn't come back after that.

It had been three days already and yet there was no sign of him anywhere. A week passed before I heard the telltale sound of Levi's contraption and the soft thud of feet hitting the ground.

I didn't turn to face him as he came closer. I was sitting on his usual rock and determinedly not looking at him. I could sense him behind me, the hairs on my neck sticking up. I could hear him breath in deeply, preparing to say something but I wouldn't give him the chance.

"So you're back." I spat, the words tasting sour on my tongue . "Did you have time to think about shit? Did you finally decide to stop being a fucking coward?" Levi sighed. "Eren, there's something I forgot to mention when I told you about love." I chuckled.

Of course.

"And it took you this fucking long to come back and tell me? What could it be?" I said, finally turning to look him in the eye. "Some people can't love? Some aren't allowed? Is there some unspoken rule that just happened to slip your mind when you told me?"

Levi's gaze dipped ever so slightly and I knew I was close. When he still insisted to stay quiet, I growled and demanded an answer.

"Men aren't supposed to love other men." He started, speaking slowly and with a strange look to his eyes. Was that...pain?

" Well, I guess that they could, in fact there are some places where people who like the same gender gather, but it's not widely accepted. Most people hate it, think its disgusting. They call men who like other men homo's, short for homosexual. It's just...not allowed, Eren."

I stared at Levi for a bit after that. He stared back with what could look like nervousness but apparently Levi's face is unable to actually show that certain emotion. I blinked and then raised an eyebrow at him.

"That has got to be the shittiest thing I have ever heard."

I nearly laughed at the face Levi made at that. Nearly.

"I know two males that are together!" True, they are males but he doesn't need to know that they're titans and biological mates. "What's so wrong with loving another male? I've been attracted physically to a female before but I never loved her. I love you, Levi. I love you so much that I can't stand being away from you, but I have to stay here. I don't belong out there, I have to work with what I've got." I frowned at the thought. I really didn't like to think on that. "We're not even anywhere close to the walls or your HQ! Why would it even matter? Plus, you never seemed like the type to care what other people think."

Levi looked at me almost desperately.

Then it hit me.

"Are you one of those people who hate it? Do you thing I'm disgusting for loving you?"

The pain in my voice was clear and by the way Levi's frown deepened, I knew he had heard it.

"No." He stated firmly. "I don't think you're disgusting. Stop being overdramatic. I'm informing you how people think about shit like this and warning you. I'm not the type for normal relationships. It just doesn't work out. I could die at any time because of the survey corps."

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