The Silk Weaver (Part 2)

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Sorry for the crappy action and fights. I tried. Plus, sorry for how short it is. Please comment!

Also, drawings I made to go with this fic are on Tumblr, I'm secrettlynuttytyrant and their under Damn Fic-art if you wanna see them. They've got clues hidden in them so look well.


Shado on'nanoko.


I jolted awake, my eyes snapping open, greeted by the sharp glare of the sun and open grass. I staggered, bewildered and confused.

When did I transform?

How did I get here?

Where is here?

I twisted and turned, observing my surroundings closely and swearing at what I saw. Hoards of titans surrounded me, they pushed and stumbled over each other as they staggered towards...


The sight of the walls triggered something, a memory of Levi, telling me that he was going to take me to these exact same walls. But what happened after? Why did I transform to come here? Where wa-


My head rose sharply, my nose sucking in the sweet scent of my angel. The scent wasn't old, freshly made in fact, which means that Levi had...

My heart clenched.

Obviously, if he hadn't found me by the time he needed to leave, he would have to leave without me but...what if he'd seen ME? What if he'd been so disgusted by me that he left without me, leaving me to follow behind like a lovesick fool?


That's not what really happened...

Was it?

—fingers, knobbly and crooked, grey skin with chipped black nails—

No, it wasn't.

That thing, whatever it was...

I ran to the cave and...was I crushed?


I remember pain, more pain that I felt in a long time. I remember seeing my arm, or at least my shoulder, crushed and broken under slabs of stone. I remember the equally crushing darkness consuming me, pushing my fear up another level, causing me to scramble and push, pulling frantically on the squashed limb. Skin ripped and tore, bone cracked and snapped until finally I was free. I breathed a sigh of relief but quickly worked myself back up when the steam from my shoulder covered the black around me completely. My hand shook as I raised it to my mouth and bit.

I guess, in my panic, I blacked out.

But that doesn't explain why or how I got here.

The crowd moved, unstable feet running directly towards the wall. They seemed determined, that or more mindless than they usually were. The glaze in their eyes seemed hazier than usual.

The moment we had gotten close enough to see moving speck on top of the wall and my anxiety reached new levels, an explosion of steam billowed in front of the gate.

I stood in jaw dropping awe as HE, one of my own that had sworn to be neutral and to not do exactly what he was doing now!

A wall of skin towered over humanity, raised its leg and smashed open their defense while I just stood there, watching titans poor in like the rain would poor through the hole in the cave. I just stood there as the screaming started, as the roar of human pain battered my mind.

A breeze brushed by, uncaring of the horror going on around it and suddenly-


I ran, but this time towards the danger and not away. I sprinted to the wall and leapt through the gaping hole, sucking in scents from all around, trying to find my angel and keep him safe. Levi was good, the best, but even this many may be too much for him.

My breath caught when the scent of blood hit my nose. A haze so familiar descended, clouding around my head as hunger gripped my whole being. I staggered forward, searching for the delicious delicacies I had given up long a-

That I had given up.

A shriek broke through, I shook my head and turned.

Two little humans, children, stood in the path of a grinning lower class. One covered the other protectively, shaking like a leaf or like the ground as the titan stomped forwards.

Oh fuck no.

I crouched and sprung straight for the titan, tackling it to the ground and pounding its neck to mush. Standing up I glanced down to make sure the little humans were alright before scanning the far wall for the gate to...was it Maria? Almost immediately I saw the crowds of people and the open gate where large boats sailed over water to get through.

The children stared, frozen most likely, but continued their shaking and quiet shrieking when I stepped closer. I reached out, unfurling my hand to gently brush the back of the one on top. Their shrieking grew louder but it didn't concern me.

It was natural, wasn't it?

Gently I lifted them one by one and placed them in the palm of my hand, careful not to accidentally harm them before straightening and heading toward the boats.

The children sat in my hand, staring up at me as I deflected attacks and saved a few others, collecting a small group in my hand. I dropped them off by the boats to the shock of both the passengers and onlookers. A few titans strayed from the mayhem and wandered a little too close to the boats, prompting me to take them down quickly and efficiently.

The boats glided away from the dock and under the wall but it wasn't over for me yet. Loud footfalls signaled the arrival of the other that was never far behind him. I turned and faced him, refusing to let him take this wall too but he didn't even slow for me. He shot past but I grabbed on. I was dragged across stone and shattered wood, crying out in language he would understand to stop! I tried to hold him back but it was pointless.

Rock, metal and thick wood crashed around me as he plowed through another defense, rendering it as useless as the first.

I screeched.

Digging my heels into loosened stone I managed to yank the bastard back and to the ground, pounding and pounding until my hands shattered, until my arms broke.

I wanted to kill him.

How could he?!

Fucking die!


He blinked, looking up with wide blue eyes that suddenly seemed more clear than before.

I paused.


I didn't have time to react before he was pushing me back and crawling back through the wall, running away, almost seeming ashamed. I stared after him, confusion freezing me for a stupid second that was immediately interrupted by more screams of terror when dozens titans climbed through the gate.

I dealt with as many as I could, protecting the boats and saving any humans I could but with the gate permanently open it was a hard task to do. The boats finally escaped immediate danger, floating farther and farther into the distance and leaving me with the perfect opportunity to think of a plan.

First off, I've gotta close up that hole.

The thought made me shudder. If I did that somehow, I wouldn't be able to get back out that easily, but...Levi was here somewhere. He had passed through here that was for sure, which meant he was out if harms way for now but if I didn't stop this now, would he still be in the future?

Knowing him, probably not.

Now, what could stop these drones from slipping in?

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