The Between (Part 2)

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From a purely scientific point of view what had just been declared by my cannibalistic 'guardian' was truly fascinating and could possibly lead to the answers of almost every mystery that humanity had. But,from a logical view point, it was completely insane. I turned slowly,my eyes thinned to infuriated slits at what I can only assume is a suggestion that I'm stupid enough to believe such a blatant lie.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot of ridiculous things from people much younger than you"

Eren, the insufferable HUMAN that continuously shifts between friend and foe in my mind heaves a weary sigh, as if the weight of the world had deemed his wiry frame a fabulous resting place. The very shoulders that held this apparent weight sank and folded inwards, forcing the rest of Eren away from me, as if scared. I couldn't help but find it ironic, that this person, who had just killed someone and had without a doubt killed before, was scared of me. Me, small and fragile Armin who was too absorbed in books of science and the outside to make any real friends.

But then again, it is said that knowledge is power and I've always had the advantage in that particular area.

"What can I do?" He asks, shoulders still caving into his torso. "What can I do to get you to believe me? What do you need to know? To see?"

I snorted.

Was he really going through with this? Was he really going to try to prove to me that he, a human, is a titan? It's preposterous!

Unless.....of course, he thinks he is a titan.

My thoughts turn and turn, thinking up possibilities and the different types of ways that mental illness may take form. My brain continues to steam as I decide to roll with it. I crossed my arms and furrowed my brow, stating the one thing that might actually convince me of anything being related to a titan.

"Cutoff your fingers.

If they grow back, I'll believe you."

When I was younger, back in Shiganshina, I wouldn't have even thought of the idea. The idea of anyone hurting because of me was sickening,causing my stomach to roll.

I was naïve.

I believe there's another saying, you'll have to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelette.

Now,for not only me but also Mikasa, for us to have any hope of surviving in this cruel world that had refused to stay hidden a little while longer and allow us a few more years of peace, there was no doubt that more than a few eggs would have to be broken.

I kept my eyes trained on Eren as he squared his shoulders and brought his hand to his mouth.

His dedication was expected, I'd come to know that if Eren put his mind to it, with determination alone he could do it.

The blood was expected as well, though I still flinched as the spray painted the worn stones of the alley and crawled dangerously close to my feet.

The steam was not

My eyes flicked up to meet the suddenly glowing gold of Eren's own iris'.

My whole body locked and my breath came out in a long silent shudder that disturbed the growing steam in that secluded alley. I was suddenly more aware of how alone I was, the only company a dead man and his murderer who was actually a titan.

The bile I had pushed back earlier threatened to claw its way up my throat and I was tempted to let it.

I didn't

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