Chapter 9. Dumb Priest

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I get on a bus to take to May (Although the bus sign spelled it as 'Mei'). Not alone, mind you. It is me, Vash, Meryl, and Millie. Mostly because Millie whined about not being able to do their job if they don't follow Vash around. Quote 'I'll haunt you and your children and your children's children'. Really quite the annoying job, on all ends.

"Note this, pal. Just don't have children," I whisper to Vash while seated next to him. "Don't even get married or anything."

"What? But there's so many beautiful women!" Vash whines and is immediately punched by Meryl.

"Don't worry, I've shut him up now!" she calls to the people in the front, then whispers to Vash, "Don't you know they're all exhausted from the sand steamer ordeal?"

"Woah... look." I press my face against the bus glass and Vash above me with a yelp. He is punched by Meryl again. "No seriously. There's a guy out there getting covered by sand!"

The bus comes to a stop, the bus driver getting out to poke the guy.

Aw, shoot. I know this guy.

He pops up with a yelp, covered in sweat, "Well, praise the lord!" Even his straight-edge black hair is wet enough to stick to his forehead, and a little stubble is present.

The bus driver invites him on and he takes the one empty seat behind us. Meryl and Millie offer him water. Mind you, my water. He chugs it in a gulp.

"Ah! I'm alive again," he exclaims. "Thank you, much obliged."

I cough, snatching back my canteen. "How'd you get out here?"

"Well, one hundred miles back my bike broke so I walked."

"Dumb priest you are, carrying the big cross on your back." I spit, pulling off my hat so he can get a good look. "Nicholas D. Wolfwood."

"Shana Revy... never thought I'd see you again." He grins at my face.

"I hoped I'd never see you again." Me and Wolfwood go way back. You know, bounty hunter breathing down each other's neck for every penny. One time I happened to run into him on a chase, and let's just say we were not very friendly to each other. Of course I got the bounty, and a whole lot more of shit. I kissed him, broke church windows, shot his leg and ran off lifting my tail and a bounty. He shot my arm, hunted me down for a month and gave me a concussion swinging around that giant cross of his. Second time I met him, I gave him a concussion of his own by cutting off his bike and he drove straight into the wall. He got the bounty that time but also what he deserved. Third time I met him, kissed him again and shot the bounty. I got it that time. To point out, the kissing was not because we were rival lovers or anything, It's a good way of distracting the man cause suddenly he doesn't know what to do. He's really more like a little brother. Fourth time, we became partners. Lasted until he didn't wanna split, and I slapped him and took it all. He chased me for another month. Yeah, not pleasant for me. But I am a risk taker, after all.

I point my gun immediately. "Who're you chasing?"

"Hey, no guns guys." Meryl points at the sign, then to Vash. "That pathetic guy right there is the one who spotted you."

"Really? Thanks for saving my life... uh..." Wolfwood trails off.

Vash pops right up. "I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gumbigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andres Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. Don't hesitate to call."

Millie giggles, "What are you talking about, Mr Vash the Stampede?"

Vash turns, crying, "I hate it when you call me by my full name!"

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