Chapter 7. Stick and No Reward

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The town treats him to drinks for saving their plant. I deny the offer, pointing out they might still need a little extra cash so I might as well pitch in by buying my own drinks. I wasn't the star of the show, after all.

They gave him a large glass of beer, and he downed it. Without passing out. Gave me a great idea.

"Hey, Vash! Let's see if you can drink me under the table. No risk, just a little bit of friendly competition!" I call, and the crowd urges him on.

They set up cups for us each, sitting us down on each side of a table. I kept going through them as easily as he did. Cup for cup. Of course, I'm not a dumb gambler who throws away it all. I drank my last cup, and he drank his and passed out.

I laughed, the money spilling onto the table. "Guess the rest of the drinks are on me."

Thanks to that, I wasn't penny-less by the morning. I did take up the offer on the hotel room, gratefully. I do have some 'strange' ulterior motives, but there ain't no rest for the wicked.

Once the prostitutes, who are sorely let down, leave Vash's room I go in myself. I shut the door behind me and I can see his sharp features by the moonlight cast on them.

"Damn, we can finally talk alone," I groan.

"Rebecca?" Vash asks.

"Don't ever say that name! I warned you!" I snap, shooting a sharp glare at him, then try to calm myself. "Sorry. I'm sorry for shooting at you. Guess the plant wasn't the only one with a break down."

"Guess so."

It was silent. I hate him for the silence he let go on. We both knew we had the right mind, yet he wouldn't talk. This gray coloured guy, I can't make sense of his emotions.

"Why won't you kill?" I ask, pulling my hat off. "Why is it so hard to make that decision. Isn't it the easy way out?"

"Easy doesn't mean better. It's just easier," he replies.

"I'm sorry I asked." I look away again, outside the window. "Seems like you don't remember. There was a day I told you not to shoot."

"Was it before July?"

"Yeah." I pull my blouse back to reveal a bullet wound over my heart, and a bit of my bra but I'm unconcerned by that.

"It's not easy for me to talk about it, even though I'm telling you, but you can't even remember." I try to keep the ice out of my voice, and keep my body relaxed. "It must not be easy for you, either, am I right?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. Mind putting your shirt back on? It's hard not to stare." He chuckles, not answering the question directly. It's okay though, that makes it easier, "Then maybe we can go somewhere."

"That's a first I've ever heard." I button back up the blouse, indirectly answering in the same way. I walk out of the room, shutting the door and going back to my own room to sleep.

In the morning we board the steamer heading out of town. Of course, I can afford a room so Vash wants in and ends up staying in mine.

"Seriously, if you have so much how do you carry it around?" Vash asks.

"Once you get around cities enough, for lawmen, we can keep a network of banks in touch meaning I can draw my money from anywhere," I reply. "It's in the network under my name instead of cash. Pretty nifty, if you ask me."

"Yeah... wish outlaws could do the same. I need to take a piss." He leaves the room.

"Gee, thanks for sharing," I mutter, then feel the alcohol in my stomach coming up. I open the window, puking outside. Guess I drank a little too much last night.

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