The Bangtan Bomb

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Jimin slowly opened the door. He peeked his head into it to see who was outside. He recognized three people, their manager, the camera stuff and Ninin. He immediately bow down to acknowledge them. They went inside and Jimin closed the door. Jungkook went to turn off the TV.

"How are you BTS? Did you settle things down?" The manager asked. The two person were just standing beside him. Jungkook offered a seat to them.

"We are now okay. Actually we just finished our breakfast." Rapmon said.

They were all gathered in the living room. Some were seated on the floor, that's Jungkook, Jimin and V. Jin went to the kitchen to get a juice for their visitors. He came back with a tray of glasses and a jug of apple juice.

"Thank you for the pack of raw foods you sent yesterday manager-nim. Here is your drink." Jin said with a smile to their manager and stuffs then he sit next to Rapmon.

"I came here to orient you about the CEO's plan about making your own YouTube channel."

Upon hearing the statement of their manager, V, Jungkook, J-hope and Jimin were like a grasshopper dancing and jumping for joy.

"Yes! We can show them our BTS moves!" J-hope said.

"BTS moves?" Suga asked suddenly.

"Better Than Suga moves." J-Hope joked earning a hit from Suga.

"You Horse! Don't mess with me!"

"BTS moves! Behind The Scene moves!" J-hope said.

"Yeah I can dance like this." Jungkook said showing a girl group dance.

"Hah! You all love cameras don't you?" Manager said pointing to the four who obviously happy to the news.

The camera man and Ninin was impressed by the excitement of the four. It was like they already forgot about the incident of hidden cameras in their dorm.

"So, what will be the name of our YouTube channel?" Suga asked.

"Manager-nim, can we choose a name of our own?" Rapmon asked in excitement.

"Of course! It's your channel after all." He answered after finishing a glass of juice.

"Hmmm let me think. How about Bangtan Boom!?" Suga suggested.

"No! We will call it Bangtan Bomb!"

"It's Bangtan Boom."

"Bangtan Bomb!"

Rapmon and Suga were fighting over a possible name for their YouTube channel.

"BTS!" Their manager cut them off. "How about doing a parliamentary procedure in deciding the name?" He suggested.

"What do you mean by that?" V asked.

"It means that we will divide the house." Rapmon said but it only made the others totally confused.

"Divide the house? How are we going to do that?" V again.

"Divide the house, means we are going to vote for a name of our YouTube channel." Rapmon said.

"Woah! Rapmon here is smart." Jin complimented.

"Now! Let's divide the house! Who will vote for Bangtan Boom as a name of our YouTube channel? Raise your right hand." Manager said in a louder voice.

Suga, as a proponent of the name raised his right hand. J-hope and V also raised their right hands.

"There are three members who just raised their hands for the name Bangtan Boom. It does only mean that the other four will vote to Bangtan Bomb as a name of your YouTube channel which is the majority." Manager said.

"Yes! Finally, it's Bangtan Bomb!" Rapmon joyfully said.

"Well, Bangtan Bomb is not bad at all. It's unique and I know it will Boom!" Suga said.

"There you go." Jin said.

"Now, I officially acknowledge Bangtan Bomb as the name of your YouTube channel." Manager said.

All members of BTS were happy that they now have their own YT channel.

"Wait, who will manage the YT account?" Suga asked.

"All of you. You will make it. You will make google account and make sure you will never forget your email and password." Manager said.

"What if we forget?" Suga again.

"Make a list so you won't forget." Manager said. "Also, the company will secure a list of your email and password in case all of you will forget." He stated clearly.

"Jimin quick! Get the laptop! We will make it now." J-hope told Jimin, being a master he is.

Jimin hurriedly went upstairs to get the laptop and came back with it. They made the process in signing up to google and linking their YouTube account with it.

"It's finally done!" Rapmon said after clicking the mouse.

"Change the profile picture! It's ugly."

"Says the one who's ugly."

"Wait, let's change the cover too."

"Look it's empty. We must upload a video."

"Wait, first we will let ARMY know about Bangtan Bomb so they can subscribe to our channel. I will post an update in our official Twitter account and in our official Facebook page." Rapmon said.

Their manager agreed to it and they posted an update to their Facebook page. Upon scanning to some posts, Rapmon saw a viral video with a caption, JiKook is Real. All eyes were on the laptop. Jimin and J-hope who knew about it already was not amazed. But the video seems nothing to their manager, it seems okay to him. Well, its Jimin and Jungkook only hugging in the video, nothing more.

"Woah.. Who could have uploaded it?" V asked surprisingly.

"Remember BTS, you are all responsible to all your actions." Their manager said.

"Yes manager-nim!" They all response.

Jin, who noticed the two people, Ninin noona and Yaji, who were just silent in watching their conversations, wondered what could be the two doing with their manager. Why did they come over with their manager?

"Manager-nim, why did Ninin and Yaji came along with you?" Jin asked curiously.

"Well, now that you have a YouTube channel, in your first video, you will need both of them."

Ninin prepared her make up kit for the boys while Yaji, the camera man also prepared the camera stand. After fixing their faces, they all got ready to project in the camera. Their first video is just simple, telling their fans to continue support them and that they will update some clips from time to time. They uploaded the video clip and after some minutes, it reached thousands of views and likes.

"Wow! Are we that popular?" Jungkook talked enough for them to hear. The other members were also amused by the sudden thousands of viewers and subscribers to their YT account. Hundreds of comments were appearing in just a few minutes.

"Yes you are. So better be careful in uploading videos that might damage your career, agree?" Their manager said.

"Yes manager-nim." Rapmon said.

"Every week, you must update a video for your fans to see how you doing." Manager said. "The company will provide a digital cameras for you to use." He continued.

"Yey! Awesome! I love Bighit!" V yelled in happiness. Jungkook laughed to V's sudden yelling.

Their manager continued orienting them about the topic.

"You can also record your dance practice in the studio and choose to upload it to Bangtan Bomb."

The members couldn't keep on smiling until the end of the orientation. They felt very happy now that they can show their BTS moves to their fans through Bangtan Bomb.

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