The Hunger Game

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The whole BTS were gathered in the living room because its their favorite place in the dorm but since they already aware about the hidden cameras, they became extra careful of their words and actions just to please their beloved fans, the A.R.M.Y.s. Yes, they already named their fandom few months ago. As usual, Suga was lying on the cold floor while closing his eyes listening to the other's conversation.

"What are we going to do now?" Jungkook asked.

"Do whatever you want. Cry and eat ice cream." J-Hope said while laughing.

"Jin hyung."


"I'm hungry."

"Okay...Go to the kitchen and eat the plates." J-Hope again, being in the mood to pester Jungkook.

"I'm not talking to a horse. I'm talking to Jin hyung." Jungkook said while glaring at him. They were enjoying their little fight. Jin was just smiling to them.

"I don't know Kookie." Jin answered.

"Let's play hunger games." Rapmon suggested while snapping his fingers.

"Hunger games?" They said in chorus.

"Yes Hunger games."

"I would prefer Starving games." V said while laughing.

"Whatever you say as long as its related to food, then we will go for it." Rapmon said.

"So what's the rules?" Jin asked.

"The rules are simple. First, find your pairs and work as a team. Second, find the object that was being told and give it to me."

"And then?"

"Those team who can give the object first, will have a price. Ofcourse a delicious foods during our lunch!" Rapmon said dreamily. The others were licking their lips imagining those foods.

"And who will be cooking those delicious foods?" Jin asked raising his one eyebrow while crossing his arms.

"Of course the losers."

"Then whats the point of hungriness of that game? It seems like we're going to be full."

"Oh the point is... the losers' food is different from the winner's food. The losers will have extremely hot and spicy. You have no choice but to eat unless you want to starve yourselves." Rapmon said while grinning.

"I'm not joining." V said.


"Extremely hot and spicy foods? Oh come on! I have an ulcer. That's bad for my health." V said in disgust.

Suga who was lying on the floor and Jimin who was being quite the whole time suddenly walked out to the kitchen. They felt hungry while listening to Rapmon's game rules. Suga and Jimin came back after eating some snacks from the kitchen.

"So let's start the game!" Jimin said excitedly.

"I'm not joining." V repeated.

"You should join!" Jungkook argued.

"Okay fine!" V said in defeat. If it's not Jungkook, he would have scooted away.

Rapmon rolled 6 pieces of paper which had paired numbers on it. The players started picking the rolled paper to find who will be their partner. They opened the paper and revealed their partners.

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