Junghope (request) Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'll go unpack." Jungkook said but Hoseok stopped him.

"I'll do it for you." Hoseok said.

"I'm pregnant, not helpless." Jungkook said in a slightly hard tone.

"I know. But you look tired so I think you should rest." Hoseok said not reacting on his hard tone.

"Oh okay. Thank you." Jungkook said embarrassed about his tone. He hesitent leaned in, wanting to feel Hoseok's lips on his own. It had been so long and he had missed it alot. Hoseok leaned in too and their lips met in a short kiss. Jungkook walked to the bedroom and laid down. Hoseok quietly started to unpack his stuff. Jungkook fell asleep with the sound of Hoseok.
When Jungkook woke up, he could feel someone spooning him. He knew those arms too well and knew it was Hoseok. It felt nice to have him protect him even if Hoseok was sleeping. Jungkook laid still, not wanting to disturb the peaceful Hoseok. However slowly he started to wake up. Jungkook turned around so they were face to face.

"I've missed this." Hoseok admitted.

"Me too." Jungkook said. Hoseok leaned in and Jungkook followed his lead. The kiss was sweet and made them forget about everything bad. In that moment Jungkook decided to leave the worries behind for the rest of the day. It seemed Hoseok did the same as they continuted to kiss. It had been so long Jungkook's heart fluttered with every kiss. At last they pulled away and cuddled up. The rest of the day was spend in denial for any troubles about Jungkook being pregnant. It was magical and felt like the past. Jungkook fell asleep happy that night.
Two days later they still lived in complete denial. Everytime Jungkook had a sad thought he pushed it away. It was morning when it all came crashing down. Jungkook was dressed to get ready for an ultrasound. He was standing looking at his phone when he felt a pair of arms around his body.

"Hey why are you already dressed?" Hoseok asked sweetly into his ear.

"I'm going to an ultrasound with Jimin." Jungkook said. He didn't realise before after he said it that he had probably bursted their perfect boble and sure enough Hoseok moved away.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Hoseok asked and looked slightly angry.

"Because you don't want a child and Jimin usually helps me with these sort of things." Jungkook answered honest.

"But you're my boyfriend, it's our baby. Not Jimin's." Hoseok argued, clearly jealous.

"Hoseok you haven't even been there for me." Jungkook said and felt angry.

"Because you left!" Hoseok said angry back.

"Hey you walked out that door first! I told you I was pregnant and you left me! Do you have any idea how much that hurt?" Jungkook said upset. He could see it hit home in Hoseok because his expression changed. He looked down ashamed.

"I should have been there for you. You have no idea how much I've regret that since I walked out that door and came home to an empty apartment. I cried for two days because I needed you and I was scared. Scared you wouldn't come back. Scared I hurt you deeply. Scared for the situation we're in." Hoseok said and a tear rolled down his cheek. Jungkook couldn't help but to reach out and dry it away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook asked softly, all the anger gone.

"I was scared you were too mad at me. That I would make it worse." Hoseok said.

"I still love you but I gotta admit if you don't want to help with this child..I'm not sure we can be together. You keep telling me you haven't accepted it completely but guess what? I have no choice. This wasn't what I wanted either but it's the situation I'm in and I'm gonna make sure this child knows is more loved than other child in the world. If you don't soon accept it, I won't be able to do this." Jungkook said and it hurt his heart but it was true. The baby was the most important to him now. Jungkook could see Hoseok was thinking a lot when he suddenly looked at Jungkook, his eyes clear.

"I'll love this child, so he or she knows, they're the most loved human being on earth." Hoseok said and Jungkook couldn't help but smile. That was all he needed to hear but Hoseok continuted. "I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm scared because I'm not ready to be a dad but-for you I'll try to be the best dad in the world. You have no choice and I didn't realise how hard it must have been for you. Of course I'm gonna help with our child. I'll figure out work but you and the baby are the most important now."

"Hoseok that means the world to me." Jungkook said with tears in his eyes. "And it's alright to be scared. I am too but I know I'll figure it out."

"Now we can figure it out together. You and this baby means the world to me. I promise I won't let you down." Hoseok said and kissed Jungkook's forehead. "Now let me help you with everything. Buying stuff, going to the doctors, helping you up from the couch. Everything I want to be a part of it." Jungkook smiled.

"I'll text Jimin and tell him, he dosn't need to come and then we can go." Jungkook said and texted Jimin. "Let's go." Jungkook said and Hoseok grabbed his hand. Jungkook felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and his heart was much lighter as they drove. They held hands as much as they could even when the doctor came in. He asked Jungkook question and then it was time to see the ultrasound. When they put the lubricant on his stomach it was cold and he pressed Hoseok's hand harder. They put the scanner on his stomach and it felt weird.

"There's the baby." The nurse pointed at the screen. Because he wasn't far in, the baby wasn't big but already filled alot in Jungkook's heart. He got tears in his eyes as he looked at the screen. He looked at Hoseok who had a shadow of a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes as well and Jungkook knew in that moment, that Hoseok had meant everything with loving their child.

"We did that." Hoseok whispered.

"Yes we did." Jungkook said and kissed him on the cheek. They were asked if they wanted pictures and they were both eager to get them. When they came home they kept looking at it even though there wasn't much to see. Looking at Hoseok who looked at the picture, made all Jungkook's worries disappear, he knew Hoseok would be there for him and their baby. Months later when Jungkook sat with their little boy in his arms for the first time and Hoseok holding Jungkook, it was the most precious day of Jungkook's life because of three things. Their relationship had gotton better than it ever had before. Jungkook was holding their little boy and Hoseok had asked him to marry him. Jungkook knew he would never forget that day and years after he told their two kids about the day Hoseok and him got married, a day he would also never forget.

I hope you all liked it ^.^

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