To Save His Soul, Enter: The Dream Realm!

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Nocturn, the Ghost of Dreams, was proud of what he did.

Similar to Clockwork he was no one to be trifled with when it came to the things he did in order for the people of the world to have good dreams.

So when one of his Dream-helpers, a variety of different colored small ghost balls which collected dreams when he, himself, couldn't, informed him that one Daniel Phantom was stuck in the Dream Realm, he was shocked.

Nobody, besides a certain Pines Twin who was tricked by a certain Dorito, had ever accomplished such a thing!

Nocturn raised a black, clawed, hand with swirling colors and stars adoring it then swept it into a large arch in front of him. A portal, similar to that of a Black Hole, was formed with a glowing, swirling, center.

Not many beings could form a portal that lead directly where they wanted to go. It took experience, tons of it, to be able to do such a thing , but Nocturn was one of the few Ghosts that could, indeed, do it.

Stepping through the portal, the star spangled Ghost was surprised to find himself within the Ghostwriter's Lair.

Nocturn, knew from talking to Clockwork so many times, that Danny's dreams were focused only on Space.

So this was far from what he had expected.

Looking up at the ceiling, Nocturn saw that the entire area was decorated with hundreds of glowing stars and planets. They twinkled and shone with all the colors in the universe. Every now and then a comet would streak across the sky and disappear into the unknown.

"That is more like Danny's dreams" Nocturn muttered to himself and started flying through the vast library in search of Danny.

*Meanwhile In Nocturn's Lair*

Clockwork, once he had been informed properly about what had happened to Danny when he was away, went to the one Ghost that came to his mind first and was surprised to see that Nocturn's Lair was void of said Dream Ghost.

Vlad, who had accompanied Clockwork, was looking around in confusion and awe. Nocturn's Lair was a large, castle-like, structure similar to Clockwork's Clocktower. Unlike his Tower, Nocturn's Lair was a colorful and enchanting place with it's crystal, blue, walls and pure white tiles on the floor. The columns that lined the halls were a breathtaking silver and made the air particles gleam, like tiny balls of light, when they were reflected off of the floor and rebound by the nearest column.

"What are we doing here, Clockwork?" Vlad asked, with his cape snapping behind him. His quick strides made it easy for him to keep up with the flying Time Ghost. The heels of his boots clicked with every step that he took.

"Are you familiar with the Ghost of Dreams, Nocturn?" Clockwork asked, without looking over his shoulder.

"No" Vlad answered, honestly. "I'm not familiar with anyone by that name".

"He, like I, have a very important job within the Balance of The World" Clockwork explained. "It's more simple than my job, but it is every bit as meaningful".

"What does he do?" Vlad asked, feeling like Danny as he asked that question.

"He controls and distributes dreams on the Sandman's orders. The Sandman is one of the Big Four Guardians" answered Clockwork.

"Oh" Vlad nodded as the duo came to the end of the hall where two grand, oak, doors, the color of gold with white trimmings, stood closed before them.

"Nocturn! It's Clockwork and a Guest!" Clockwork called. "We've come to speak to you about something that is of most importance!".

With that as Nocturn's warning to them coming in, Clockwork pushed open the doors and Vlad entered behind them.

"Nocturn!?" Clockwork called again, but only silence was his responder.

The room that they had just entered was circular much like Clockwork's Viewing Room, but without the Time Mirrors and ticking clocks, instead there were large hourglasses that lined with rainbow colored sand held within and at the back of the room was a much larger hourglass with golden colored sand in it.

The chamber was empty besides the two of them and one, glowing, portal in the center of the room.

"This 'Nocturn' is not here, I suppose" Vlad stated the obvious from his place at the doors.

Clockwork fought to not roll his eyes and face palm himself so he, instead, flew towards the portal and observed it.

"Lord Clockwork!" A Dream-helper flew from behind a hourglass leaving a trail of colorful stars in it's wake. "My Lord request me to give you a message once you've made it here".

"Ahh. Thank you. What is the message?" Clockwork asked.

"Yes, My Lord wanted me to tell you that he has gone to retrieve Daniel Phantom from the Dream World. He says to come if you wish to, it would be more likely to return his soul to his body if he had the means to come back" answered The Helper.

"Whatever do you mean by that?" Vlad asked, coming over to gaze at the portal before his ruby eyes looked down at the floating small, spherical, ghost.

"It is not unheard of for a being's spirit to be trapped within the Dream World, but as such a thing has happened before any injuries sustained within the Dream World will be permanent also the body, without the spirit, will start to decay". The Helper explained. "If you wish to save Daniel Phantom's life you will have to do it within the next few days. If not his spirit will start to disappear and he will be beyond saving".

Those world chilled both of them to the bone (XD Sans pun! I couldn't resist!) and stirred them both into action.

Without so much as a second thought, Clockwork and Vlad plunged into the awaiting portal.

The Dream helper blinked in surprise before following. If it would have waited a few more seconds it would have seen a pair of glowing child-like eyes open within a hourglass near the door and the evil grin that the being made upon laying eyes on the portal.

Well looks like Vlad and Clockwork have found out why Danny is in such a coma-like state.

And they've kicked it into overdrive to get Danny free from the Dream World!







All these questions will be answered in the next few chapters!

Thanks for reading!

Comment, vote, and tell me how I did!

Until next time!

I hope you enjoyed!

Buy gold bye!


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