Danny's Dreamscape! (Sneak Peek)

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"I got my eye on you"
~Bill Cipher.

I hope you enjoy the story.

I don't own Danny Phantom!

This chapter is dedicated to DecipherTheCipher,AomanBrine, and TheSafireSole

Keep being awesome!!


It was a strange feeling to be going through a portal that was made by another Ghost. If it had been a normal Ghost Portal it wouldn't have had such a feeling with it.

And, more importantly, it wouldn't have taken this long to get through!

Vlad had his arms crossed and a annoyed look on his face which was more of a pout than anything while Clockwork had on a blank, poker, face.

"Are-" Vlad was cut off before he could even get the entire sentence out.

"Vladimir if you want to get to see Danny I suggest that you not finish that sentence or thought" Clockwork told him without looking back.

"Yes, Clockwork" Vlad lowered his eyes in defeat and the Master of Time flew out of the portal with Vlad stepping out a second behind him.

The area around them was similar to that of a vast library with towering book shelves and scattered papers that floated without any regard to gravity. The floor beneath Vlad's boots was brown tile.

"Intriguing" Clockwork swept his gaze around the room once, taking in the less than Danny-like area, before they rested on Vlad. "We appear to be within the GhostWriter's Library Lair".

"The GhostWriter?" Vlad, not knowing that a Library existed in the GhostZone and, more important, the being that dwelled within it, was at a loss as to how dangerous the area around them truly was, but Clockwork being, well, Clockwork was instantly on high alert.

"The GhostWriter is a deadly foe that holds all power within the Literature World" Clockwork explained as his Time Staff was summoned within a second and his grip on it was loose, but tight. "He's someone to not trifle with especially if we are within his Domain. His powers are held high on the Power Scale. He  can trap you within any form of Literature that he writes and while you are there he controls all of your actions and your will. What you think, what you will think, and what you know and don't know".

"Why would Little Badger be here?" Vlad asked, following behind Clockwork as the age-old Ghost lead the way into unfamiliar, to him, territory.

"I haven't a clue to be honest" Clockwork answered.

The two lapsed into a comfortable silence and the only sound being the clicking of Vlad's boots on the tile floor. No sooner had they made it past the isle with books of shapes that they heard it.


A blood, curdling, heart stopping, scream that made Vlad and Clockwork look at each other and they made the realization at the same time. Only one person could make a sound so terrifying to them.

"Daniel!" They yelled in unison and Clockwork sped off in the direction that the scream had come from with Vlad hot on his tail. Clockwork's core was ticking at a loud pace and Vlad had worry etched across his face.

When they made it to the place where Danny's scream had originated from the worry that Vlad was feeling slowly turned to confusion and fear.


The dark substance, used for writing messages on parchment paper with a quill, was everywhere.



Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now