Suit Upgrade

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Danny flew through the Ghost Zone as fast as he could. It was very important that he got to Clock Tower as soon as possible to meet with Clockwork and tell him about the strange things that had been happening with,and to, him.

He willed himself to go faster and zoomed through the cluster of doors that were scattered around the GhostZone, each door lead to the home, or lair in ghost terms, of a Ghost. The lair of a Ghost is connected to the personality and powers that the Ghost has.

Danny didn't have a door of his own, but he wish that he did so that he could have a place to go to if he needed to get away from anything that was bothering him. He flew past a few doors that he recognized like the Box Ghost's door that was a plain brown color like a box and the door knob was in the shape of a cube. Ember's door was a few miles away from the Box Ghost's door and it was painted the same color as her hair with a mural of her guitar in the center of it. The same distance away from Ember's door was Technus' door that was made to look like a jumble of wires in the shape of a door.

Danny speed up and saw that the doors were becoming less and less as he went deeper to the edge of the Zone. He passed a large plot of land that was covered in snow and looked like someone had taken part of Alaska and placed it in the GhostZone. The Far Frozen is what that place was called and Danny had a few good friends in that snow covered land.

He wanted to go and visit Frostbite, a Yeti that lived in the Frozen North and ask him about the Wolf that he had met in his Cafeteria yesterday, but this was more important. Plus he could double back around and visit Frostbite after he saw Clockwork.

And with that, Danny continued on until he had made it to the very edge of the GhostZone that was full of cogs and a single island of land. Danny slowed his speed down and landed on the secluded area.

Vivean chimed a greeting as Danny climbed up the stairs and she opened her doors for him.

"Hi Vivean" Danny gave a quick greeting back. "Is Clockwork in?".

Vivean made one of the clocks near the stairs turn to one o'clock and Danny got the hint as it chimed like a Coocoo's clock.

"Thanks, Vivean" Danny speed walked down the hallway and briskly walked up the stairs to the observation room. Upon entering the room where the Time Mirrors were and not seeing the Master of Time, Danny blinked in confusion.

"He's not here" Danny said, quietly to himself. He let his legs melt into his ghostly tail and he flew up to the nearest Time Mirror. On it was the familiar time stream, and by the looks of it, it was from Napoleon Bonaparte's era. Danny watched as the small man tried to climb off his horse and ended up falling head over heels into the dirt. Danny couldn't help the laugh that escaped him as a large, broad, smile stretched across his face.

"Hello Daniel" The amusement filled voice of the Master Of Time made Danny whirl around with that smile still on his face.
"Hi, Clockwork" Danny flew down and reformed his legs and feet. He walked over to the much older ghost. "How are you doing?".

"Adequate. I am adequate young Daniel" answered Clockwork his form shifted to his old man body then to his child one a second later. "And you are here for your daily advice? Or do you need guidance once more?".

Danny's smile faltered a bit and he shook his head, his white hair swinging from side to side with his movements.

"As much as I'd love my daily report that's not why I'm here" Danny answered while looking up into the red eyes of the Grim Reaper. "If your not busy I'd like to know something".

"I am never too busy for you, Daniel. I've already told you that you are always welcome here" Clockwork placed his black gloves hand on Danny's shoulder. "What is it that you need?".

"I met two people a few days ago" Danny's smile grew wide. "And another two people today during lunch".

"Oh" Clockwork rose a brow and he lead Danny over to the Time Mirror that was next to the one where Napoleon was still falling off his horse. This Mirror was blank and Danny saw their reflections side by side in the clear, gray, glass. "A quartet of newcomers? Did you happen to fight any of them?".

"No it was the opposite of fighting really" Danny smiled and watched a small smile form on Clockwork's face. "Two fought with me and the other two didn't do anything".

Danny finally noticed that the Time Mirror that they were standing in front of was still blank.
He looked at Clockwork in confusion before noticing the glum look on his face. Panic started rising in Danny's heart like a flood. He could sense that something was off, but he didn't know what it was.

"Clockwork" Danny made his voice as small as possible. "Is something wrong?".

Clockwork raised a gloved hand and placed it against the cold surface of the Mirror.

"Danny" Clockwork turned his red eyes towards the white haired youth. "There's something I wish to tell you about your future".

"My future" Danny's face paled at the new piece of information.

"It appears" Clockwork turned his body towards Danny fully and placed both of his hands on his shoulders. As though he was bracing the other for a shock of the lifetime. "That I have to upgrade your suit if I don't something terrible will happen".

Danny sighed in relief and let out a breath that he had been holding in.

"So how are you going to do that?" Danny asked.

"It's already done, Daniel" Clockwork smirked and took his hands away.

"Really?" Danny looked down at his original black and white suit. "Sweet!".

Instead of a skin tight suit Danny was dressed in a black short sleeve shirt under a short sleeve black jacket that was white on the inside with a white stripe on the shoulders leading down to the ends of his shirt. On the back of the jacket as Danny turned his head to look at it was a larger version of his logo. He wore black pants with a white belt that had his logo on the buckle. He had white socks on with white vans and as a last touch, and one that Danny liked very much, was the white gloves that covered his wrists.

Danny's eyes shone as he leapt forward and hugged Death with all his might, the reason he came here in the first place forgotten completely.

At least for now.


Danny's suit has been updated and I think he looks awesome.

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See you next time.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ