#26 - In the Stars above Ground

Start from the beginning

Just like I was laughed at.

'Are you OK?' I say, loud enough for him to hear. He stops crying immediately, and shakes his head. So, it's a no, but he's not hurt, so what is it?

Because I'm wondering I don't notice him reaching his hands out to me, if I had noticed, well, I could have gotten away within time, but I didn't.

I didn't notice, until it was just a little too late. Stupid, stupid, stupid ability...

My ears start ringing as soon as his small fingers touch my skin. My vision blurs, and my breath gets knocked out of my lungs. I can't describe it any other way than that it's like drowning. Drowning in a memory, a life, anything clinging to a person, or an object. Drowning in something flowing, like water.

I discovered it not too long ago, two weeks before my final exams, the exams I had to take to be able to call myself a real Bard. There was this lunchbox, and I know, it was "just a lunchbox" right? Now I remember my lunch always getting stolen, so had my lunch been stolen that day.

So, I thought that that lunchbox was mine. I wish it had been. I'm still shaking at the very thought of what I saw. I can only see when it's like that you see, not hear, not speak nor feel, I can only see. So now I'm stuck with the memories of a girl getting beat up by her father every day, and her then having to make lunch for herself, wiping the blood off her mouth. The lunches that lunchbox carried, just as it carried her memories. And...

That girl, is my guild's very own Rinka.

It's strange isn't it? How fate seems to unfold? Two weeks later I met her, the Rinka from my memory, and I've never met one as strong as her. Two weeks later I found out how the Headmaster had made up our guild. Ritsu, the archer, and my friend. Rinka, the protector, and the one whose memories of childhood I'd seen. The others, Bakaito, and Usagi. All the same. All hurt and wounded, but we understood. From that day onward, we where partners. We never needed to be best friends, just partners was enough. But we're growing together slowly, I started noticing.

I do believe that there will never be a guild like ours. We are tied by our own shadows, and we fight to find our light. Everyone of us has their own reasons to cross the Labyrinth, and this time, I know, we will find our way.

As the ringing in my ears get worse, I shut my eyes tightly, knowing that by now I must be growling, but I can't hear myself anymore. Everything has gotten quiet, just the ringing remains. To have this happening again... it's been a while since last time... I suck in a last shaky breath, then everything suddenly gets bright before my eyes.


It must be cold...

My hands... no, his hands... they're shaking...

How stupid... it's dark... in here...

No, that not true... I can see other colors...

Pink and white... petals... on the ground...

A tree?

And... and there's red...

Someone's... someone... is... bleeding...

Someone's bleeding. Someone's hurt. Someone's... dying?

As the wind picks up I look at the ground before me. For a few seconds the fallen petals of a dozen trees obscure my sight. The moonlight illuminates the iron I hold out in front of me, my hands shaking in the dying light. A few petals stick to the blade because of the... the blood?

In front me is a woman, her eyes cast downwards, her clothes torn, blood gushing out of the miniature wounds afflicted to her sides, to her arms, and to her chest. When she looks up I set a step back, still shaking. Her lips start moving again, her face scrunched up in a wicked smile, her eyes burning with hatred.

There are small lights everywhere. Firefly's, swirling over the blade, over my arms and hands. In front of my eyes, illuminating the woman further. Her blue eyes lighting up, her white teeth glimmering. I can see my own face in them. A small, delicate face. Pale, dirt sticking to it, blood-flecks in my blonde hair, my blue eyes blurred with tears in the light of the little stars flying around. I'm barely older than a year or six...

For a few seconds I do noting, then I step forward again. I step forward, bringing the blade up, and plunging down.

Again... and again... again... and again... and again... and again...

Kuso... what's going on.....

Is that kid... a murderer?

'If it is not Ritsu, you dear, come over 'ere.' Ritsu looks up at the sound of Madam Joan's voice. The barkeeper, or, innkeeper, calls out for him from the other side of the alley, close to the main road. She's breathing a bit heavily, like she's been running.

'Madam?' Ritsu asks, walking towards her. When he's close enough, he can see that she's sweating a little, her breathing is getting more even now though.

'You're looking for 'im, aren't you?'

He nods.

'T'en you better be quick. 'e's over t'ere, the main road.'

Ritsu nods again, walking passed her, but before he can walk past her completely she whispers.

'If 'e be'aves badly, bring 'im to t'e inn.'

He doesn't answer, but makes it a mental note. He already knows he'll need it.

When he walks out of the alley he notices it's already nighttime. The candle's light illuminates the less heavy crowd, but it's not quiet anymore. Somewhere he can hear people calling to each other, some people's voices high in panic, some whispering to each other.

Knowing Len is one that, if he isn't the centre of something troublesome, always is there when something's happening, Ritsu pushes through the crowd in order to get to the voices.

'Someone give him room! He's scared enough as he is!' He can hear someone calling to the others in the crowd. He can see a tall girl standing in the middle of a clearing in the crowd. Her black hair falls over her shoulders. She's wearing a kimono, but she misses the makeup to be a real Japanese. Her golden eyes fall on him, and he can see the worry in her eyes. She looks like a dog-type Ferae.

Ritsu pushes past the last few people, but what his eyes meet, is something he had hoped to never see again.

'Len, what in the name of the Goddesses...'






Sorry this one took so loooooong. But, I've just entered last semester, so updates are going to be bit slower than usual, since I've got to get my grades up to be able to pass. I'm afraid there isn't a subject called "creative writing" where I come from, 'cuz then I wouldn't have to worry, hehe. But, here's the new chap, so I hope you enjoyed it!

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