Author's note 2

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Author's note 2


Cover question

Open since: (16-08-13)

Status: finished


Hey, it's me, Yoake.

I'm currently looking for someone to make me a front-cover for this story.

On it, I want at least the Title (Kanon) and the Writer (Sakurai Yoake) the rest you may fill in yourselves, as long as it corresponds with the story (and characters)

One tip: I love anime!

If any of you would be able to make me one, please mail it to:

If I get a few, I'll pick the best of 'em, and the "winner" will get a new follower (me) and the credits for the cover in the description.

Maybe I'll even use a name you like as one of the monsters or characters. So be sure to note that down as well.

Thank you very much for reading Kanon, and please enjoy the upcoming chapters!

- Sakurai Yoake

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