••• Symphony of the Rain

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How did I get my name?
What does it even mean?
Does it have a sense or doesn't?
Was it just created for nothing?

When the clouds start to cry
Along the lonely and gray sky
Raindrops sound to my ears invades
A ranging euphony that never fades

The rain is like a mellow music
It's symphony gently calms the panic
In my windowpane I see it flows
The melancholic sky just let it go

I love the Symphony of the Rain
It heartened me to fabricate a name
I then started to compose my chronicles
And implicitly sharing them to people

I know my time hasn't come yet
I'm still dwelling on a certain outskirt
But I know one day I'll come into view
Like the the flowers that have utterly bloomed

The symphony I hear in the dropping rain
Is a drive that makes me want to contain
I will foster and go much further
Senescent pens, I'll catch you later


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