••• Confined Space

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In this sphere lies a bounded measure
Its edges loom on my afflicted soul
I'm stuck in this confined space without an exit
I'm almost hopeless, but I must escape

I'm asking for a hand to pull me out
Who could hear my squawking shout?
I supposed there is nobody out there
A sad reality that I must solely bear

Throe is with my every stand from the ground
There's a strong force that lingers around
I've been challenged to surmount this on my own
I should be firm and must continue to hang on

If there's no exit in this confined space I'm in
Then I'll start to make one and dig it in
A fine crack will soon clearly manifest
I will not surrender, there's no time for rest

This is a mission for my own seeking
I have to find the strength within me that's hiding
I need the hardest weapon to wreck the walls
I want to see the cosmic side of this world

Hindered with the promises of tomorrow
Defined boarders and limits of what I know
I want to grow and explore farther
I must emerge from this oppressing inner

I started to pound but seems unbreakable
This confined space is made of solid stone core
But I will not let myself stay in this building block
I will find my way out without stepping back


Poetry Of My HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon