#2-Shallan & Mikey & Frank

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Today is Thanksgiving. Frank and I are going to Don and Donna's place. We went to Frank's parents' last year. I'm getting dressed and Frank is in the living room. I decided to wear a jeans and a long sleeve top. I even convinced Frank to wear a button down in stead of a band shirt. I finish getting ready and walk out.

"I'm ready."

"OK." Frank stands and leads the way out the door and down to our car. The drive is silent and uncomfortable, but we agreed to put our fight behind for dinner. We pull up in front of Don and Donna's. Usually Frank opens my door for me, but today I get out before he can. I ring the door bell just as Frank steps up beside me. The door opens and I'm engulfed in a hug from Donna.

"It's so good to see you!"

"You too Donna!" She releases me and hugs Frank.

"Hi Donna."

"I'm so happy you could come."

"Me too!" He assures her.

"Come in both of you. Michael and Gerard and Lindsey are already here." Frank giggles when she says Michael.

"Great!" We follow her inside to the living room. Mikey and Gee are having what looks like a a very conversation, Lindsey is listening to their conversation and Don is reading a book.

"Look who's here!" Donna says as we walk in. Gee and Mikey look up immediately. They both smile when they see me. Mikey stands up and gives me a hug.

"I missed you." He says and kisses my forehead.

"I missed you too Mikey." Gee is right behind him and gives me a hug too.

"How are you?" He asks, arms tightly around my waist.

"Never better."


"Promise." He kisses my forehead and let's me go. Lindsey and I share a quick hug before she sits back down.

"Dinner should be ready in half an hour." Donna says and then walks into the kitchen. Mikey and Gee sit back down in the armchairs, leaving the love seat for Frank and I. We sit down and I put as much space between us as I can and hope that no one notices.

Mikey's POV

Shallan and Frank sit down the loveseat. Shallan very slowly moves away from Frank. I don't give it much thought though. We chat for a half hour then migrate to the dinner table. Shallan sits between Frank and I with Lindsey and Mum across the table and Dad and Gee on either end. Food fills the table and it smells amazing. As always we go around the table and say something we're thankful for. Mom starts.

"I'm thankful for my family." She smiles at us all.

"I'm thankful for Gerard. And being welcomed into such a wonderful family." Lindsey says with a love filled gaze aimed at Gee.

"I'm thankful for my family and my beautiful fiancée." Gee says.

"I'm thankful for Shallan and my parents and everyone here." Frank mumbles.

"I'm-" Shallan takes a deep breath, "I'm thankful  for my fiancé and my family." Shallan makes eye contact with Frank as Mom chokes on her own saliva and Dad gets wide eyed. Lindsey gasps and Gee hits the table with his knee making everything wobble.

"Congratulations!" Mom finally gets out. She smiles at Shallan and Frank. Shallan blushes and Frank thanks her.

"I'm thankful for Alicia and my band and my family." I say.

"I'm thankful we're all here and healthy." Dad says, then adds, "Let's eat!" Followed by a small chorus of laughter.

After dinner Dad has to go to work. He managed to get the night shift so he could spend the day with us. Gee and Lindsey go for a walk and Mom finds a bottle of wine. Frank sits down on the love seat and grabs Shallan's hand so she'll sit with him. She pulls her hand away. He tries again and she whispers something and leaves the room. Mom pours wine and hands it around. I refuse and stand. Frank takes some probably just cause he feels bad. I follow Shallan down the hall and find her in the guest room. She's crying. I sit beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"F-Frank and I got in a f-fight yesterday." She wipes her eyes, "It's not like it was our first fight, but with my hormones all out of whack because-" she inhales sharply.

"Because?" I prompt. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." She finally whispers. My eyes widen.

"Does Frank know?"

"Yes Frank knows! Why does everyone ask me that?"

"Who else knows?"

"I told Alicia yesterday." She sighs and leans against me. She sniffs and wipes her face. We sit like that for several minutes before Shallan finally stands.

"I'm going back out now. Thanks for coming after me."
"Anytime." She smiles and nods before leaving. I get up and follow her.

We all stick around for a couple more hours and then head home.

Frank's POV

The car is silent all the way home. Shallan never even looks at me. I messed up more than I realized. The only thing different about the ride home is that she lets me open her door for her. When we're inside she begins to cry. I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry." She says between sobs.

"It's okay. I promise." We stand like that until Shallan stops crying.

"I shouldn't have gotten so mad."

"I forgive you." I assure her. She pulls away from me and wipes her face.

"We're okay?" She asks. I nod. "Promise?"

"Promise." She gives me another hug.

"Let's read." She suggests.

"Sounds good." We sit down on the couch and she grabs our book. We've been reading The Lord of The Rings to each other. She sits with her back against my chest and begins to read. I smile and kiss the top of her head. She stops reading and looks up.

"I love you." She says before pressing her lips against mine.

"I love you too." She smiles and keeps reading.


That was shit. I'm sorry. Anywhoo. Summer's here. That's awesome! I have no updating schedule for this book. I might make one later but for now you get them when I give them. Well you know the drill. Comment and\or vote! Thanks!


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