#1-Shallan & Frank

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I sit in the waiting room with Frank beside me. Today is my first ultrasound. I'm filling out the paperwork while Frank flips through a magazine.

"Is this your first?" I look up to see a woman in her early thirties sitting across from us.

"Excuse me?" I ask, since I didn't hear her question the first time.

"Is this your first baby?"

"Yes. You?"

"Oh god no! This is my fourth." My eyes widen.

"Oh." She chuckles at my expression.

"That's most peoples reaction. Mine too at first." Before either one of us can say anything the door to the exam rooms opens and a nurse steps into the waiting room.

"Shallan Way?" The nurse says. Frank and I stand and follow her to the exam room. I lay down on the table and Frank stands beside me. The nurse grabs a tube of gel and had me lift my shirt. She squirts the gel onto my stomach and takes the wand like thing and starts moving it across my stomach. A black and white picture of my insides appears on the screen.

"So that right there is your baby." The nurse points,"Just a little peanut. Everything looks good."
The nurse turns off the machine and wipes the gel off my stomach.

"So come back next month and we'll check on baby and make sure they're healthy. Okay?"

"Alright." I stand and pull my shirt down.

"Would you like copies of the sonogram?" The nurse asks.

"Yes please." Franks speaks before I can. The nurse smiles.

"I'll be right back with those." She says then leaves. Frank grabs my hand. Frank opens his mouth to talk, but before he can my phone starts ringing. I pull it from my pocket. I flip it open and answer.


"Hey, Shallan!" It's Alicia.

"Hey, its been awhile. How are you?"

"I'm fine, but you Missy have a lot of talking to do." I chuckle.

"Sure. Let's get coffee in an hour?" The nurse comes back in.

"Okay. How about at the mall?"

"See you there." I close my phone. The nurse hands me a stack of sonogram pictures.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Frank and I walk back through the building. Frank is quiet till we reach his car.

"Who was on the phone?" He asks as we buckle up.

"Alicia. We're meeting up for coffee." He nods. The drive to our apartment is silent, but it's comfortable. We reach our apartment building and Frank leads the way upstairs. Frank unlocks the door and let's me in first. I'm immediately surrounded by Frank's thee dogs. Daisy, Jax and Button. Daisy is a little dustmop, Jax is a chocolate lab and Button is a pug. Frank and I both give the dogs some attention and then push past them into the apartment.

"Thanks." I drop my purse and slide my shoes off. I drop onto the couch and Button jumps into my lap. "How much do you love me?" I ask Frank.

"A lot, but I have somewhere to be so you'll have to get food for yourself." I pout.

"Where are you going?"

"Dentist." I nod.

"Okay. See you in a bit then." He gives me a kiss.

"Bye babe. Love you." I watch him leave and then decide I'll eat later. I lay my head back and close my eyes. I start to drift off.

An hour later I'm sitting in Starbucks waiting for Alicia. She walks through door ten minutes late and orders her coffee. While waiting for it she looks around. She spots me and waves. She gets her coffee and walks over.

I Wont Give Up(sequel to Feel Alive)Where stories live. Discover now