chapter thirteen

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The next few days after Dinah's family situation were uneventful. Dinah stayed with Normani for the most part while she contacted family members to stay with. She eventually found one of her aunt's that was welcoming to her. The week continued on and Normani missed Dinah's presence at her house but was happy that she could still see her at school and at softball.

Normani could tell that Dinah was trying hard to brush past the situation with her mom and she didn't blame her but it concerned her that Dinah was acting like it wasn't a huge deal. Normani wanted to look out for her girlfriend but didn't want to annoy her by asking thousand of questions about how she was feeling.

Normani got to school on Monday the week after Dinah's family incident and the hallways were in full prom swing. Everywhere she looked there were bright colored papers screaming at her to buy tickets. Luckily, she had already bought hers. She walked up to her normal group of friends, giving them a silent 'sup' nod before turning to face the blonde.

"So," Normani started,"on a scale of one to ten, one being shitting bricks and ten being lit as fuck, how excited are you for prom?"

"First of all, please never say 'lit as fuck' again. Second, I'm probably an eleven because I have the hottest date," Dinah answered. Normani felt heat rising to her face at Dinah's comment.

"So extremely lit as fuck?" she asked.

"Please don't say that," Dinah groaned.

"You love it," Normani argued. Dinah shook her head.

"I am lit as fuck," the brunette continued.

"I hate you," Dinah mumbled.

"You love me."

"I guess I do."

Lauren coughed loudly, causing the two girls to turn their attention to her.

"Why am I not involved in this conversation?" she asked.

"There is a 99.9% chance you were eavesdropping so you basically were," Ally commented.

"Shush, Happy Meal. I'm trying to cause conflict," Lauren said. Dinah snorted at the nick name Ally was given.

"Ally is correct," Normani stated.

"You weren't involved because you aren't my girlfriend, nor am I taking you to prom," Dinah said, finally addressing Lauren.

"Yes, but as the captain of this beautiful Norminah ship I reserve the right to be in every conversation you have," Lauren explained.

"It really doesn't," Camila noted. The rest of the girls nodded.

"Fuck you all," Lauren muttered.

"No thanks, I'm taken," Normani said. As if on cue, Dinah put her arm around Normani's waist. However, she dropped her hand a little lower so it was resting comfortably on Normani's ass. The gesture threw Normani off guard. She shifted awkwardly in response, glancing at Dinah, who had a smug smirk plastered on her face.

The gesture did not go unnoticed. Lauren had an expression similar to Dinah's as she not-so-subtly stared at the two. Lauren then pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed something. Normani knew it was to her when her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Dinah did not remove her hand, she just handed Normani her phone.

Lolo❤️: get it gurl

Mani💕: i hate you

Lolo❤️: love you too manz

Normani clicked her phone off but kept it in her hand. Dinah's hand stayed on Normani's ass until the bell rang and she moved it so that they could walk to history.

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