chapter six

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Normani looked up as another piece of crumpled up paper hit her in the head. She had been stuck on the same test problem in history for the last fifteen minutes because Dinah kept throwing paper at her from the other side of the room. Normani glared at Dinah while Dinah died of silent laughter. Normani couldn't help but crack a small smile at the sight.

Her and Dinah had been going strong on their friendship for a little over a month and they somehow hadn't killed each other. Dinah was correct about her personality as well. The more Dinah knew Normani, the more comfortable and bold she got. Normani couldn't believe that the Dinah she knew now was the Dinah she had known a month ago.

They had both vowed early on that they were going to put their past behind them and try to become friends. Luckily, it worked and they were closer than they had ever been before. Dinah regularly hung out with Normani after practice, it was their routine.

Lauren was still equally obsessed with the two, and she had dragged Camila and Ally in with her. They all had become pretty decent friends, somehow. Camila was closer with Lauren than Ally but everyone was still close in a strange way. Lauren mostly focused on Normani and Dinah which was also little strange but no one mentioned anything.

As Normani was finally writing down the answer, she was hit in the shoulder with another paper ball. Normani turned around to glare at Dinah, but couldn't keep a straight face, as Dinah had a stupid smile on her face. Normani decided to just ignore her and managed to finish the test right before class ended. Dinah slammed her shoulder into Norman's as they were walking out.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" Normani said.

"Of course I do," Dinah said proudly. Normani sighed and slung an arm loosely around Dinah's shoulders.

Over the time that they had been friends Normani realized that Dinah made her genuinely happy. Dinah didn't care what anyone else thought of her which made Normani forget every single problem in her world. She still didn't know what to classify the feelings as but she wasn't focusing on that. She was just happy that they were getting along.

"Have fun in english loser," Dinah said.

"Yeah yeah, bye loser," Normani replied as she walked into her classroom. Lauren smirked at her like she usually did as Normani walked over to her.

"Stop smirking. We're just friends," Normani said.

"You might want to check with Dinah because she stares at your lips a little too long to be 'just friends'," Lauren replied. Normani choked on air.

"What?" she asked when she could breathe again.

"I don't know how you don't notice it. She looks at your lips more than anything else on your face," the raven haired girl continued.

"Are you serious?"

"Completely and totally."

"Well fuck."

"Do you feel the same?" Lauren asked.

"I don't-I don't think so," Normani said quietly.

"You don't think so?"

"I don't fucking know, she gives me these feelings that I can't really describe and-"

"Crush. Oh my god, it's a crush," Lauren interrupted.

"It can't be," Normani said.

"Oh but it can be. Welcome to the crush club Normani, it sucks and I'd recommend making your move on her as soon as you can because this club is terrible," Lauren said. Normani rubbed her temples. There was no way on Earth that she had a crush on Dinah. They were just friends. But one particular memory that stuck in Normani's mind said otherwise.

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