chapter eight

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It was now Monday and Normani wasn't sure how to act around Dinah. She wasn't exactly sure what they were, but the only person who knew about their date was Lauren. Knowing Lauren, she probably blabbed to Camila and Ally. She hoped that she didn't. Normani walked into the school and spotted Dinah almost instantly. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she wore skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. It was a strangely cold day for their location.

Normani walked over and nudged Dinah's shoulder with her own. Dinah sent her a small smile. Camila was telling a story about something that happened to her in kindergarten. But Normani wasn't listening. She was focusing on everything Dinah did. The way she laughed, she way she smiled, the way she talked, breathed, and just lived. It was all beautiful to Normani. She didn't realize she was hardcore staring until her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Lolo: stop fucking staring you creep

Normani's eyes shot up and she immediately saw Lauren smirking at her. Normani instantly shoved her phone back in her pocket and stared at the tile floors of the school. Dinah caught her off guard when she grabbed Normani's hand. Their hands weren't visible, Dinah was holding them in a somewhat hidden way. The dark skinned girl smiled at Dinah and let her head rest on her shoulder. This wasn't strange for them, they did it when they were just friends. Normani inhaled and Dinah's perfume caught her attention. She closed her eyes and was prepared to take a nap on Dinah's shoulder until the bell rang and she reluctantly lifted her head up. They made their way to history, still hand in hand.

"I saw you staring at me earlier," Dinah spoke.

"Oops?" was all Normani could say. The blonde giggled at Normani's attitude. They dropped each other's hands and walked into the classroom, taking their assigned seats. Normani stared out the window. The sky was cloudy and rain was beginning to fall, which meant practice would most likely be cancelled. Dinah was the main thing on Normani's mind lately. At that moment, she was thinking about how badly she wanted to call Dinah hers. Her crush grew everyday and they were practically a couple anyway.

But they had only gone on one date. Then again, they had kissed more than a few times. Normani wanted to kiss Dinah as much as humanly possible, but she couldn't. It would be weird after only one date. Normani conscientiously decided that she was going to ask Dinah out to the movies, to continue dates that Dinah would call "cliche". Normani's mind wandered and she then was thinking about how Dinah looked all the time. She bit her lip when she thought about Dinah's curves.

"Normani? Are you here or not?" the teacher called. Her head instantly shot to the front of the classroom.

"Um, yeah. Here," she replied. Some kids snickered behind her. The teacher continued the attendance and Normani's mind was wandering again. Dinah was so incredibly perfect to her. Everything she did was breathtaking and amazing in one way or another. Normani felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She put it under her desk to read the text she got.

Finah Jane🔥: i see you biting your lip and shit

Finah Jane🔥: were you thinking about me

Mani💕: would it be a crime

Finah Jane🔥: no but biting your lip like that is because holy fuck is it hot

Normani couldn't help but bite her lip at that.

Finah Jane🔥: oh my god i hate you

Mani💕: what a great liar you are

Finah Jane🔥: i don't think you understand how hot it is

Mani💕: i do not

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