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Working behind a bar was something nobody ever thought possible from Juliette Allen. She had always been too sweet, too soft. She was not the type of girl that was built for the working girl life, it just was not in her blood. She had grown up with luxury, every detail of her life being handed to her on a sliver plater. Her life had been glamours once upon a time where maids cleaned her bedroom and chiefs cooked her meals. Now, Juliette was wiping down sticky tables and smiling across at drunk men who eyed her chest far too much. Over the weeks though, she was growing used to smelling permanently of tequila and counting out her dollar bill tips at the end of her night shift. 

"You know, I didn't think you had it in you, but you've become quite the bar wrench." Lillian Peters grinned over her flute of cheap champagne. They were perched at the rather sticky bar in the ratty but humble enough Josie's Bar. They were celebrating Juliette's wonderful two weeks of hard work, even if she complained each night when her feet were sore and her tips were short. 

Blair Suen was smiling too, her black frames slipping down her narrow nose. She usually didn't spend her evenings at bars, that hobby belonged to Lillian, but she had made the exception for her best friend and roommate in the name of celebration. "Despite the questionable location, I am very proud." Blair nodded, glancing across at a group of loud and drunken men who were playing a game of darts. Juliette eyed the men too, a familiar bunch of men that made sly comments about her long legs and short cut offs, something Josie was determined on making her wear each night. "I think it's admirable you're working and making yourself an income. It's good, very good." 

Juliette had been hearing their praises since her first shift and although the time was slow some nights, not many customers walking by at midnight in Hell's Kitchen, she liked the escape from her apartment. She was mostly proud of herself too, if she was honest within herself. She had picked herself up and after years was actually doing something with her life, even if it was pouring drinks for lousy tips. "Very good, huh?" She smiled, cleaning another beer glass. "I worked every night last week and you should have seen my pay check. It's almost like working for free once I pay my bills and taxes and whatnot. Very good is not words I would describe it."

"That's what tips are for, gotta' love bartending." Lillian gulped down her drink, slamming the glass against the bar top as a shout rang out through the tiny bar. "Trust me, life gets easier." 

The pretty blonde wondered if that statement was true but decided to let it pass as two familiar men took their seats at the bar, right next to her friends. The two men were frequent customers and Juliette had found some comfort in seeing their faces every other night. She did not know their names but knew they were nice and tipped quite well. "Two shots please, the best stuff you've got." The one with long shaggy hair declared with a huge grin. 

Juliette was already pulling two shot glasses free, watching them both. She had not gotten the chance to strike up a conversation with them, always busy stocking selves or cleaning up broken glass. "The best stuff?" She was smiling, pulling down a bottle of tequila that hadn't been touched in months. Nobody came into Josie's Bar asking from top quality alcohol. "Are you perhaps celebrating something?" 

"Actually, we are." The same man grinned some more. "We've just done the impossible. Gotten ourselves an office and found a client." He held his hands up in cheer. "Nelson and Murdock. We're gonna' help Hell's Kitchen with the great and sometimes unjust law we abide by." 

The other man was smiling, soft and somewhat boyish. She noted the red tinted glasses he wore and for the first time, noticed that this man was blind. With the way he held himself, she would not have guessed. "Well, congratulations." Juliette placed down the glasses and watched as the men brought them up and clinked them together, sticky alcohol slouching everywhere as they merrily laughed.  

"To Nelson and Murdock!"

The blind man was smiling still. "Nelson and Murdock."

Juliette left the men alone, letting them celebrate in peace. After serving a few more familiar faces she returned back to her friends as she stocked the shelves with more bottles of beers Josie had brought up from the basement storage. She was shocked her friends had not abandoned her just yet. She knew Blair had work early tomorrow and tonight had been Lillian's only night off but they had chosen to spend it at her work sipping on cheap champagne. "He's quite cute, wouldn't you say, Jules?" Lillian beamed across at her, leaning forward with her elbows propped on the bar top. 


Blair was rolling her eyes, fanning her fingers through her thick dark hair. "She's been gushing over that man who ordered shots for about twenty minutes. The one with the dark hair, the glasses and the handsome grin." Juliette was already glancing over her shoulder to spy the man they were both speaking about, now huddled around the pool table. 

"I suppose he's quite handsome, yes." Juliette nodded, replacing the salted peanuts with a fresh bowl and dumping a few empty glasses away. She didn't admit to them that she had been watching him quietly, just observing from a far for weeks now. 

Soon although, she wouldn't just be admiring him from afar. Soon as fate would have it, Juliette Allen would become much more than just a bartender to Matthew Murdock. 

Church Bells 。 Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now