"I am fucking selfish. Because I wasn't there when that car turned over and all of you died" Jimin let out another cry of desperation and Taehyung's dead heart shattered to pieces for his best friend

"I wasn't there when you were holding hands, assuring each other that it'll be okay even though you knew you'll die soon" Jimin's tears now flowed down as freely as ocean's waves crashing against the shore

And all Jimin could think of as he said these words to his dead best friend was

And all Jimin could think of as he said these words to his dead best friend was

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"I wasn't there when all of you breathed one last time..." Jimin cried and laughed, he was going insane

"Y-You know what happened that night?" Taehyung didn't dare to interrupt. He just stood there and listened

"I-I got text from Jin hyung... Y-You know what is said?" Jimin laughed but he was still crying

"Dear Jimin, p-please take care of yourself. Seems like we won't be able to do it anymore" Jimin's voice shattered like a glass that is thrown against the wall, small pieces and impossible to mend

"And here I am... I am not living Tae, I am just existing. I don't deserve to live..." Jimin cried out and looked up at the sky

"Jimin..." Taehyung whispered but Jimin ignored him

"I am just selfish bitch, because all my friends died and I couldn't do shit about it!!" Jimin cried out once again and wiped away his tears

"No matter how many times I try to die..." Jimin said with expressionless face "I don't seem to fucking die" Jimin said as he threw lighted match on gasoline line but something blew it off

"I don't know if you or hyungs are doing this..." Jimin pointed towards the line that didn't even catch a fire when it should have

"But you're not helping me in any way" Jimin whimpered and cried some more

"What? What do you want me to do?" Jimin whispered, defeated and in broken voice

"You want me to finish college?" Jimin muttered, voice rough from screaming

"You want me to get a job and find someone that I like and marry and then have a big, happy family?" Jimin mocked Taehyung's words that younger boy had told him earlier

Jimin moved closer towards his dongsaeng, eyes wide and teary and voice rough from all the screaming he has done in the past few months

"Not gonna happen, and you know why? Because I am not sa-same Jimin that I was. Text from Jin hyung, this accidence, and everything that followed... b-broke me and I shat-tered. I simply turned off everything and now I am blank" Jimin explained with expressionless face

Finally, when he was in front of Taehyung he grabbed his collar and looked into his dead eyes

"I was piece of blank paper before you guys came. And then you started writing stories on me. I was extremely happy when I found a family but when you died all the stories that you wrote burned, flew out of window, like they were never there" Jimin looked into Taehyung's eyes, trying to find some emotion but he couldn't

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