" Are you okay Liam?" I ask concerned.

" Everythings fine, come on Danielle!" He says a little to quickly and starts speed walking towards the exit. Okay then..

" Whats up with him? " Danielle asks, and I just shrug. How was I supposed to know

"Well, heres my number text or call me whenever alright? I better here from you by the end of the day alright? Or i'll be heart broken!" She says the last part dramatically before chuckling.

I chuckle also." Sure thing."

" Well I better get back to Liam, Bye!" She says while walking away.She was really nice. Maybe I should move on from Liam. I mean Danielle obviously loves him and she's my friends now. My ONLY friend, besides my brother. I sigh and get back to work.

~~~5 hours later~~~

I walk home exhausted after my long day at work. I can't wait to get home and relax! Its friday and I dont work on the weekends. I get to the elevator and push the button for the top floor. But before it closes a hand shoots out and stops it from closing. I look up to see a really pretty girl come in and smile at me.

"Hello there! I'm Eleanor! Whats you name? " I smile shly at her a little intimidated by how pretty she was.

" Adrianna but you can call me Ari or Adri" I say and smile back at her.

"ohhh!! What a pretty name you wanna be friends? Your really pretty by the way! I love your hair!" Woah this girl was really talkative and she wanted to be my friend. This is the second time today someone has aksed me to be their friend and one of them has a famous boyfriend.

I smile at her before answering. " Thanks, your really pretty to by the way, I'm a little jealous.And Sure, I'd love to be your friend.."

"Awww!! Thank you but to be honest I'm really jealous of how pretty YOU are..I'm not that special! Haha and YAY!! I made a new friend!!" I laugh she's crazy! But in a good way(: Just then the elevator doors open and we exchange numbers. But Its then that I realize she got off on my floor. "What are you doing on this floor anyways if you don't mind me asking?" I say curiously.

She smiles then says.. " Well, my boyfriend lives here. I'm happily dating Louis Tomlinson" I gape at her. Seriously?! Another 1D girlfriend who's now my friend. WOAH.

"Aww how sweet! You two make an adorable couple! Your perfect for each other!" I say excitedly to her.

"Thanks! Maybe I can hook you up with one of the boys who are single. Theres Zayn or Naill or even Harry!"She says winking at me. I laugh at that. "No thanks, I have to much going on right now " I say while walking towards my apartment door while looking for my keys again.Just then I heard yelling and a bunch of loud noises coming from the other side of the door. I look to Eleanor and she gives me a worried glance. She had knocked on Louis door but no one had answered so I invited her over for some tea.

When I finally find my keys and open the door, I stand there my eyes practically falling out of their sockets! What the heck is going on in here?!?!? Chris was running around the apartment naked with his superman boxers on his head and covered in orange paint while screaming "IM THE CARE-WOT KING!!!" With Louis chasing after his and telling him to "Bow down to the REAL CARROT king" and to "put some clothes on!" I scan around the room looking for James but instead see Harry Styles jumping up and down on couch with a cat in his arms while whispering to it. Wierd child.. I finally spot James, he was on his electric guitar not  even noticing me. I look at Eleanor and she just smirks. Obviously this is normal for her. I look in the kitchen to see a blonde haired boy laying on the table covered in pizza. Niall Horan. Oh bless him(: I walk out of the kitchen,Eleanor following closely behind. Know one has noticed us still. Just then Zayn jumps up from behind the couch looking scared out of his mind.

When he spots me he breaks into a huge grin making me blush and smile back.

"ADRI!!!!!! Vas Happenin'?!" Zayn screams snapping the boys attention to him then me and Eleanor. Eleanor smiled and softly started elbowing me in the stomach while moving her eyebrows up and down. i'm pretty sure my face is as red as my hair right about now.

"Hi Zayn, care to explain why your hiding behind my couch?" I ask while waiting for him to reply I see his face turn into a scowl.

"I was summoned here by the Carrot King.." he mumbles and Eleanor and i burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA that is the funniest thing I've ever heard!!" I say trying to breathe while clutching onto my stomach.

Zayn just frowns obviously not finding it funny like us. I stop laughing and look at James.

" So James, when were you going to tell me you were friends with the boys from One Direction?"

He smiles at me before saying "well its a long story.." I look at Eleanor and we both roll our eyes. I look back at James and shake my head. " Well why don't you explain it to us while you clean up the apartment?" I tell him and he frowns. All the other boys snickered and James groaned. I smirked and said " With the help of your new friends of course!" All the other boys started to protest but Eleanor cut in.

"No Complainig boys get to work!!" This girl is AWESOME!

"Yeah get to work! Me and Eleanor are going to got to my room and talk I want this place spotless in an hour!" They all start complaining while I walk El to my room.

"Oi! AND JAMES GET NIALL OF THE TABLE BEFORE IT BREAKS!! ITS MAHOGANY!!" I yell to him and hear everyone laughing.

Then I hear Zayn." Yeah! Breaking tables is my job!" When I heard his voice I instantly started to smile and I got butterflies in my stomach. I thought I liked Liam...But since he's taken, I can't help but really start to crush on Zayn..Oh crap..

~~So whatcha think? I tried to put in as much as I could remember from the original chapter I had wrote. Hope you all liked it! Oh and I need help finding someone to play Adrianna that fits the description.. And I need a cover! So if you would like to help me out I would greatly appreciate it!!~~ Mucho love~Ana

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