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8.9K 76 10

I cannot explain how grateful I am right now. I have no idea how I deserve to have such amazing readers and followers. With just a course of 12 hours I went from 873 followers to 994...I'm horrible at math, but that's pretty crazy to me. Within less than a week we went from 212k to 303k. I honestly don't deserve all of us, and it's all thanks to you guys. The story is ending soon, sadly, but there will be a sequel because I was not letting go of  the boys and 'the squad in love' that easily. Thank you for all your great support. It means the world to me that people actually like my story. When I started writing it, I thought it'd just be another Instagram story. I never thought it'd be popular (not bragging). #8 in fanfiction. If you already can't tell, I'm a very emotional person so when stuff like this happens, the tears come. They're of happiness of course :) I wish I could thank you all in person and just give you the biggest hug ever, because fun fact: I love hugs! You may get sick of me saying thank you for every little thing, but get used to it because I'm just so grateful for everything!!! I have to get back to school now :/ Sorry updates have been slow, still thinking about what I wanna do; Love you x

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