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Cameron's POV
I have no idea what came over me. I'm just a total piece of shit sometimes. I just went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I promised myself I'd change. What's wrong with me? My thoughts were interrupted by screaming outside. I walked out and saw Mary on the floor and just everyone freaking out. I don't think any of them noticed I was there, which I was okay with. Next thing I knew they were all gone. I guess I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice they left. I went back to Bella's room and sat there. I don't know how long I was there, but out of nowhere I started to cry. I have no idea why, but I was glad I did. It's nice to let it all out you know?

I decided to just wash my face after a long crying session and checked my phone to see a million missed phone call. Most from Bella, and then the others were just from the rest of my friends. I decided to listen to some of the voicemails and the first one made my heart stop. It was from Aaron. "Cam I really need you right now. You may have gotten into a fight with Mary and I'm a little pissed at you, but she got hurt really bad in this car accident and I need my bestfriend right now. Please answer." His voice cracked a lot. I could tell he had been crying. The next one I heard was from Bella. "Cameron Alexander Dallas did you fucking get murdered?! Because if you aren't dead already I'm about to kill you! Answer the phone!! We all need to be together right now." I let out the most suttle chuckle at her angriness. I didn't want to listen to the rest to know I had to go to the hospital. I assumed they went to the closest one by because ambulances are smart like that.

I arrived at the hospital and went into the waiting room to see all my friends with my beautiful girlfriend. Not to be rude, buuuut they looked terrible especially Aaron and Emma. Speaking of which, where's Matt? I know Mary got hurt, but please don't tell me Matthew did too...I walked up to them and everyone's attention turned to me. They all tried to say hello or give a small smile, but I could tell no one was in the mood for that. I gave the best smile I could in this situation and when I did I was attacked with a huge hug...from Bella. "I'm going to kill you, what took you so long?" She said not letting go of me. "I didn't have my phone, but I'm here now and that's all that matters." I gave her a quick kiss on the head before letting go and sitting down not leaving her side. "What happened?" I asked, well...mumbled. "The car crashed...it all happened so fast and Matt was driving and I just-" Emma tried to say without bursting into tears. I gave her a look letting her know everything would be okay. To think, not even a few hours ago we were all fighting, but it just shows that this situation opened out eyes to how much we really care about eachother..if that makes sense?


A couple hours had passed and they were all silent. I think we were all just secretly praying for both of them. Mary had come out of surgery and was okay, but she still needs to recover from all those wounds so we prayed for her obviously. Matt was still in surgery so we were all really worried about him. The worry went away as the doctor came and told us Matt was out of surgery, and stable. Emma went to his room with the doctor and we were all overjoyed that both of our friends were okay.

About a half hour after Emma went to Matt's room she came out telling us he was awake. We were all happy to see Matt, but we wouldn't know his reaction to the news we had received in that half hour...

Aaron's POV
Emma went to see Matt and I was happy that he was okay, because he's one of my closest friends. I'm just glad they are both okay, alive, and breathing. I went to the vending machine to get a snickers bar for Mary (I know she almost just got out of surgery, but they are her favorite chocolate and she's feeling like shit so I'm cheering my girlfriend up with it.) I could see her room door open from here and all my eyes could glance at was her peacefully sleeping. She was so beautiful inside and out, and I'm so happy I didn't lose her. I put the number into the vending machine and slid in my dollar and waited for the snicker to come out. It was stuck. I started to think of ways to get it out, but my thoughts were interrupted from really loud beeping sounds. I looked around and realized they were from Mary's room. I ran to it as quickly as I could and saw her there. She was just laying there. It was like there was no life in there and all I could do was cry. The nurses instructed me to get out as they had to take her to the ER and I nodded and made my way back to the waiting room. "Aaron, what happened?" June asked me really freaked out. "I-I don't know I saw her sleeping and the next thing I knew she was just...gone...they ran her to the ER." My voice cracked. I was so overwhelmed with the pain of losing the woman I loved that all I could do was die right there. Everyone's instinct was to cry, but instead they all just hugged me, and it turned into a huge group hug. We may all be friends, but we're a family. Emma went back to Matt's room and I think she told him what had happened, but he has the right to know, but we don't want him thinking it's all his fault. I decided to post a photo on Instagram begging my fans to keep Mary in their prayers because even though I feel like at this point I've already lost her, I know I can get her back. She needs to survive this. She's too strong. God, I hope she survives.

A/N: These POV's aren't as good as my usual ones in my opinion :/ but I had to give you guys something ❤️

QOTD: What's your favorite Reality TV show? I really like MTV's Are You the One? and America's Next Top Model

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