s i x t y f i v e

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Taylor's POV
I opened the door to see this girl, I think her name is "Camila?" Nash asks from behind me. "So you're just going to break up with me over some lame text and then come hang out with these losers?" Camila yells at Nash as she pushes me to get to him. "Camila, sometimes relationships don't work. I'm sorry if you are upset, but we were not going to work out anyways." "Well, MAYBE if she (pointing at June) hadn't come into the picture we'd still be together." She continues to yell at him. Everyone is just witnessing the whole thing happen, I'm guessing they just don't want to mettle. "She has nothing to do with the fact that, you suck as a girlfriend and overall person. I'm sick of your shit, AND you." Nash stands up for June and himself. I like them together #JashForever. "Whatever, you don't deserve me." Camila responds giggling. For some reason, Sara bursts out laughing. "What's so funny?" Camila asks in a rude tone. I swear to God if she says something to her. "You thinking he 'doesn't deserve you' it's just funny, because I don't think anyone deserves to be with an annoying bitch like you." Sara continues to laugh. Damn, my girl a savage. "Well at least I'm not a slut, like you and your ugly slutty friends." Camila says referring to Mary and June. June bursts into laughter. "See, she's laughing because she knows you're all just a bunch of whores." June is still laughing until she breaks her laughter to say this. "I'm a girl who usually laughs at a mistake, so excuse me if I laugh in your face." SHOTS FIRED! "What do you have to say blondie? Nothing probably, especially after that Cameron guy finally put you in your place." Ouch, that must've hurt. Mary stayed quiet, I was surprised because she usually has good comebacks, but she just froze. Aaron seemed so angry, I know he's about to say something. "Okay, first of all, just no. N O...NO! You look lke your trying to be Kim Kardashian, but except the plastic surgeon you went to wasn't as good, and then you tried Kylie's lips, but your fillers weren't even Donatella Versace worthy. Now let me tell you something Miss CAMILA, my girlfriend is like, everything, so how about you get the fuck out and go back to that ugly little L.A. Condo you came from. Bye." Aaron snapped at Camila. We were all just laughing at this point, because he roasted her pretty hard. I was surprised at what Aaron said, because he's usually the nice and kind one in these situations, but I guess he just cares THAT much about Mary. "Whatever, you all can go fuck yourselves. Which you probably alr-" Camila is cut off by all of the girls just pushing her out in sync. June quickly closes and locks the door. "Finally, I was about to get the baseball bat I have under my bed." June says causing us all to laugh. "Wait, you have a baseball bat under your bed?" Nash asks a bit confused. "Girl's gotta protect herself." June responds. "How did she even get your adress?" I ask. "Girl probably following Nash around for all we know." Sara responds as she hugs me from the side. Man, how did I get so lucky? I love her so much. "I'm surprised we didn't find her. Like, with that loud attitude and weird face, heck you can spot her from a mile away." Aaron says, again we all start laughing. "Are you just roasting everyone now?" Mary asks him as we continue to laugh. "Maybe." He responds kissing her cheek.

The night ended with us all falling asleep while eating pizza and watching Harry Potter. It was a nice night, with some great people.

A/N: All the ships in one place again ahhh 🙈 New ships coming...Who do you want to see come into the story?!

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