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June's POV
The past few weeks have been horrible, yet helpful. Camila was not lying when she said she was taking Nash to court, but we were not worried because we all very well knew that Nash nor any of us hit her. The trial was long, and stressful, but we made it through and won. After the trial, Nash asked Camila for a paternity test, because she was actually pregnant, but we did not really believe it was his. The test came out negative, meaning Nash was not the father. Camila might have been upset, but boy was I happy. I kind of feel bad for her. 20 years old, pregnant and alone. It's sad, but everyone gets whats coming to them, and a baby is always a blessing. As for Nash and I, we're doing fine, okay more than fine we're GREAT. He makes me so happy, and we are just really enjoying eachother's company. We spend like all day everyday together from time to time, and I am not mad at it because well..., he's Nash. It's nice to finally meet a guy who gets me for me, who understands ME. Not only are we together as a couple, but he's my bestfriend and he could not make me happier.

About a week ago, Cameron came to a party we had at Mary's place and it was not pretty. He and Aaron had a huge fight, and I am pretty sure they are on really bad terms right now. The things they said to eachother were terrible, and I just felt bad for Mary because she was/is in the middle of it all. It's sad because he and the guys were like the original "squad goals" with MagCon and all that. Even though some of them left it, they stayed friends and that's what matters, right? It's funny how I only met these people less than a month ago (the guys') and they're like my family. Taylor is that weird uncle that you cannot wait to see on Thanksgiving and every other family event, Aaron is that cool uncle you go to advice to, and Nash is that hot guy your cousin brings because his family was busy. Today, we were going out for lunch and I think the guys' invited this Matt guy, I think that's his name. The girls and I decided to invite Emma because we haven't seen her in forever, and also Mary's little sister Eleanor. It's weird, but the 5 of us have the strongest bond, and nothing will ever be able to break it. We all met in middle school, and since then have been inseparable. With the exception of Eleanor, but we let her join in on the fun every once in a while because she's hilarious and sometimes blurts out some embarrassing stories abour Mary.

When we got to the restaurant we were going to for lunch we all sat down and waited for Matt to get there. We didn't want to order without him, in case he wanted to share with anyone. "Matt!" Nash stands up and gives Matt a 'bro hug' and then hugs a guy that is slightly shorter than him. "Hayes! You're here." Nash smiles and hugs the shorter guy. Oh, it's his brother. Cannot believe I almost forgot about him, I just did Not remember what he looked like. "Who's the midgit you're hugging?" Sara interrupts their greeting. We all laugh at her comment on Hayes' height. "I'm Hayes, Nash's not so little brother." Hayes shakes everyone that he does not know hand. "You're quite small for someone not so little." Mary chimes into the fun. "Is he small or are the rest of the guys' just giants?" Eleanor comes back at her sister with the randomest comment. "Hey, I already like you." Hayes smiles at Eleanor. How did I not see this coming? "Why isn't there a dessert menu? I'm literally so disappointed right now." Emma pouts, she really loves sweets. "There isn't?! I'm depressed, life's not worth living." Matthew says, agreeing with Emma. I have a feeling we just formed some new couples in just moments.

2 hours later

We all had a really nice lunch. Hayes and Eleanor really got along, they were lowkey flirting, but didn't quite notice they were. Everyone, but them noticed. Emma and Matthew talked about candy literally the whole time, Nash kept whispering to me how much he shipped them. Overall, it was a good day and a nice way to end a stressful month.

A/N: Matt and Hayes are here!! 😄

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