s i x t y f o u r

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A/N: They're back from Mexico!

Nash's POV
Okay, I know. I'm an asshole, but there's a story behind every comment. Camila and I were/are dating for a few months, but we hit a rough patch. It was right before I met June and we started hanging out. I know what the big question is. Is Jash real? 100% it is, at least for me. I really like June. She's funny,smart,sarcastic,open-minded,and not to mention gorgeous. She hasn't been replying to any of my texts or calls these past few days, and I don't blame her. About Camila and I, in my mind we broke up. She wasn't really right for me. At first, she seemed sweet and sort of what I was looking for, but then it was like all she cared about was our "image". I realized now that she was just using me for fame, and she still is up to now after I told her we're over. It kind of sucked because you never know who to trust when you're in the public eye. One person can seem like the nicest ever and then stab you in the back in just seconds.

Since June was not replyin (I'm convinced she blocked me), I decided to come to her. I got some chocolate, and a mini plant because she hates flowers. I walked up and knocked on her door. I was a little nervous, I hoped she'd forgive me, I lied, a lot, but never about what we had/have. I know she's home, I can hear laughter and maybe the TV through the door (Sara and Mary are probably there). After the 15th. knock someone finally answered. "Oh, hi Nash." It was Sara. "Hey Sara, can I-um come in? I have to talk to June." I asked politely. "NAH FAM, NOT TODAY." Mary yelled from the couch. "Shut up." I heard June laugh throwing Mary a pillow. June walked up to the door and Sara left leaving us alone. "Need anything?" She asked, with sass I might add. "I'm sorry, like really really sorry. I can stand here and sob to you about the truth between me and Camila, we're not together, or you can eat these chocolates and admire this little plant, and we can forget all of this." I cry out, with a small giggle. "Is that plant fake?" She asks me. "Ofcourse, I know you'd be too lazy to water a real one, and you hate flowers." I reply with a smile. Before I knew it she cupped both my cheeks with her hands and kissed me. I immediately kissed back, with my hands around her waist. "JASH IS REAL!" Sara and Mary yell in sync, making June and I laugh ending the kiss. "Come in if you want, we're watching memes on the TV." She tells me grabbing the gifts I got her as I walked in. I sit down and not shortly after June sits beside me, and I put my arm around her. "AWWW." Mary and Sara say in sync. I can see June blushing and I cannot help, but smile.

It was about 8:00 P.M. and by now Aaron and Taylor came over and we were playing Just Dance all together. As we are about to put a movie on, after ordering pizza, we hear a knock at the door. We didn't really invite anyone else, so it was kind of weird. "I'll get it!" Taylor yells. "If it's the pizza guy coming back saying you didn't pay with enough per diem, my purse is right there." Mary says causing everyone to burst out laughing. "MARY YOU JUST ROASTED HIM SO HARD" June manages to say while still cracking up, I love her laugh so much. Taylor opens the door and it's....

To be continued...


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