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A/N: In this chapter there are 2 Taylor's so Taylor Caniff will be referred to as Caniff and the other Taylor will just be Taylor...Enjoy! ❤️

Nash's POV
People have been going crazy on social media after they found out why I disabled my comments. A lot of them found it odd that the other's didn't do it too, but it's their choice. Finally, you get to find out what happened. Many thought it'd be something just involving me, but every single one of us played a part in the situation. It all started that night...

~A Few Nights Ago~

I was getting ready for the afterparty of this small award show we were all invited to. June slept over last night, so she was getting ready with me. "I'm going to shower first." June said. "Or, we can help the planet by saving water and I'll shower with you?" I made the suggestion. She just laughed, I don't think she noticed I was serious. "You're funny babe." She kissed my cheek and stepped into the shower, without me. I frowned jokingly and continued to get ready. June finished showering after about 20 minutes and I got in right after her taking the same amount of time. I got out of the shower and did not find June in the bathroom. "Babe!!" I yelled wrapping a towel around my waist. "I'm in the guest room, I want to surprise you with my amazingness in this outfit!" She yelled back and I laughed at her "modesty". I quickly dried myself and put on my deodorant, and some cream ( a guys gotta moisturize too). After that, I changed into a white button up, black jeans, and some vans. To make my casual-ish outfit a bit more formal, I put on a tie. To finish off I sprayed my body with some cologne. "I'm ready!" I yelled as I sat down on my couch waiting for June. "Just a second!!" She yelled back, I could hear her rushing. I just turned on the TV as I waited for her. Moments later, I heard the sound of heels telling me June was done. I got up from the couch and could not believe my eyes. June looked drop dead GORGEOUS. "I'm speechless." I said still having my mouth wide open. "I can tell." She giggled. I grabbed her hand interwining our fingers as we headed out my apartment. I have the most beautiful woman with me, and I am going to a fun party with my friends, what could go wrong?

June and I arrived to the party and found Aaron and Mary already there. "Oh my gosh!! You guys look adorable." Mary complimented us as she hugged us both. "Jash can never look cuter." Aaron joined in and gave me a bro hug. "Thanks." I smiled at them both. "Alright, why are we just standing here like a bunch of idiots? Let's party!" June said as she walked to the bar. Man, does she have energy. June came back from the bar with drinks for all of us (the others arrived meanwhile she was there, it was a busy bar) I found it admirable how she knew all of our favorite drinks. After a while, we all hit the dance floor and were having a great time. As I was dancing with my friends, a familiar face came into my vision. No, it can't be. Please don't be. It is... It was my ex, Taylor. I noticed she saw me too and tried my best to avoid contact with her. You see, Taylor and I's relationship was pretty toxic. I have no idea how it lasted how long it did, but I'm glad I ended it when I did because if I hadn't who knows what would have happened.

"You okay?" June asked hugging me while dancing. I didn't realize it, but I was shaking and from the looks of it I seemed pretty pale. "Yeah, I'm with you. I'm more than okay." I kissed the top of her forehead as a slow song played and we started moving side to side. Dancing with June made me completely forget about Taylor being here. "You know you're my everything, right?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her smile. "You're amazing." She whispered back kissing my cheek. I wish this moment would last forever. It felt like we were the only two people in the entire world. Ofcourse, the moment had to be ruined...by Taylor. "Nash?" She asked from behind me. "Hi, Taylor." I responded as I turned around still holding June's hand. "Bro, I said hi when I got here." Caniff said hearing me say hello to Taylor. "Not you, idiot." Sara hit Caniff in the head playfully and gave me a reassuring smile. "Who's this?" Taylor asked referring to June. She came out from behind me and looked at Taylor from head to toe. I had told June about my toxic relationship with her so she instantly recognized her and tightened our grip. "I'm June, Nash's girlfriend." June said to Taylor with a hint of sass to show she is not afraid of her, I wish I was this confident. "Good luck with that title, you two seem like you won't last long." Taylor smirked. "Who's this little cockroach?" Mary cut in as she saw Taylor approaching June and I. I took a step back to protect June. "Cockroach?" Taylor laughed. "Maybe you have me confused with her." Taylor said referring to June. "I'm sorry, but that's our bestfriend and our babygirl. If anything is being confused here, it has to be your invitation to this party." Sara snapped. Mary high-fived her and they both gave June reassuring smiles. "Oh cute, Nash's new girl has bestfriends to fight her battles for her. Funny how not even Nash himself does not defend you." Taylor smirks at June. June was about to say something, but I cut her off because I was just too boiled up. "Listen Taylor, you are going to have to leave, like now. Not this scene, but the whole party. You have no right to come over here and ruin our fun just because you are jealous that I am happy in a new relationship, even happier than you made me in ours. Actually, scratch that, 10 times happier. June is a wonderful person, and amazing girlfriend. Don't you dare insult her again, or I promise you I'll do the unthinkable." I almost yelled at Taylor. She was taken back by it, but I could see the anger in her eyes. She was going to do something. "This is all your fault!" Taylor was about to push June over the railing, but Mary noticed what she was going to do and pushed June out of the way, causing Mary to be the one getting pushed off the railing. (a/n: they are on the 2nd floor of the room of the party, it has a railing because it is a balcony. Idk how to explain it lol.) I helped June up, as Mary pushing her out of the way caused her to fall, and quickly went to see if Mary was okay (stupid I know). "Oh my God! SOMEBODY CALL 911!" June yelled and everyone rushed down the stairs to where Mary was, except me. I was about to when Taylor grabbed my arm. "I didn't tell her to save her little friend, if she's hurt it's not my fault." Taylor looked at me with absolutely no concerne in her eyes. "You bitch!" I heard June yell from behind us. She walked right in front of me pushing me away to face Taylor. "I'm sorry, talking to yourself doesn't exactly make you look normal." Taylor smirked at June. I could see the anger in June's eyes. She was boiling. It looked like smoke was coming out of her ears like in cartoons. Before I knew it June took a huge swing at Taylor. Taylor fell HARD on the ground and, well...there was blood. I went to see if she was okay, even though I really didn't care. I heard sirens and assumed it was the ambulance Emma had called for Mary.

The paramedics took an unconscious Mary to the hostpital on a gurney, and one of them saw Taylor on the floor. Shit. "What happened here?" She asked me. "Um-Uh..." June stuttered. I knew she'd get charged for hitting Taylor. I was not going to let that happen. Just as I saw June about to confess, I cut her off immediately. "I hit her." I lied. "What?!" The paramedic screamed. She called the other paramedics and they took Taylor away on another gurney and called the cops on me. I was arrested within about 10 minutes. I didn't regret taking the blame, I was not going to let my girlfriend set one foot in jail. Taylor starting all of this was my fault anyways, I deserved it.

~4 Hours Later~

Mary's POV
I woke up in a hostpital room with the worst headache in all of history. I tried to stretch out my arms, but noticed one of them had a cast. Great, I broke an arm. I tried to get up, but was too sore. As I observed my surroundings a nurse walked in with a smile. "Hello sleepyhead." She greeted me with a smile. "Hi, um...may I ask what happened to my arm? And maybe why my head hurts like...A LOT." I put emphasis on that a lot because my head was about to explode. She just laughed at my dramatic response. "Well, you suffered some sort of fall and your right arm was fractured. It was a clean break, thank God. The doctor said you will need your cast for about 5 weeks. You also have a concussion from the fall because of how fast you fell and because of the high place you fell from. You also had to have a minor surgery on your forehead because of a piece of glass." She handed me a mirror and I saw my stitches. I looked, awesome! Note the sarcasm. "Has anyone come to see me?" I asked. I was not expecting like a whole stampede of people, but at least my friends and I'd enjoy it if my sister was here. My boyfriend being here would be great too you know. More sarcasm. "One guy was  in the waiting room for about 2 hours, but then he left. He said he had to do something quickly, I think his name was Aaron?" She told me. I smiled knowing he was waiting for me to wake up, not sure why he left, but it was 2 hours so I guess he needed some sleep. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend. Anyone else?" I blushed slightly, I loved calling him my boyfriend. "No, but one person called. A girl named June." She said. "She's my friend, did she leave a message?" I asked. "She said she would come as soon as she can, but that she had to bail someone close to her out of jail." She told me, I could tell she was confused about that part, but I understood which is what mattered. "Okay, thank you." I smiled as she checked my injuries and left my room. I sat back in my bed and started to look at my phone. I texted all my friends that I was awake, but no response. I shrugged noticing it was late and they were all probably sleeping. I texted Aaron the last before I fell asleep because my pain killers were making me sleepy.

Me: Hey baby boyy, just woke up in hostpital and wanted to make sure you were okay. I hope I'll see you tomorrow, love you <3

I sent the text and felt my eyes get heavier and heavier and quickly fell asleep.

June's POV
The moment Nash was arrested I told him I'd be there ASAP to bail him out. He took the blame for me, for ME. How could he get any better? Okay June, focus. Your man's in jail, let's get him out of there and then we can have our corny romantic thoughts about him. I ran to my car and made my way to the police station. Unluckily for me, there was a load of traffic to get there, so in the meantime I decided to call the hostpital to see how Mary was doing. I felt bad she got hurt. 1-She was just protecting me. 2-Nash's ex is a lunatic bitch. When I called the nurse said she was still sleeping, so I told her to give Mary a message for when she wakes up. I also asked about Taylor and she just knew that Taylor had a broken nose. I felt proud of myself for hitting her that hard, but then it's like Nash is in jail and might get a record or worse a few years in prison because I couldn't control my temper. I arrived at the jail FINALLY and asked the officer at the front about Nash. He gave me the information and I quickly bailed him out.

After doing that, we went home right away. By the time we got there, it was really late so I could not visit Mary, but we always have tomorrow. "Nash." I whispered in his ear, hoping he was not asleep. "Yeah." He mumbled. "Thanks for sticking up for me tonight." I said kissing his cheek. "I'd do anything, and everything for you." He whispered to me stroking my hair. "I love you." and with that, we fell asleep.

Nash's POV
And that's what happened, on that eventful night.

A/N: Tysm for over 60K 😭❤️ I love you all so much 💗💗

QOTD: What's your favorite fruit? Mine is grapes or strawberries🍇🍓

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