Chapter 53

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I've never knew how tiring getting from one time zone to another was. Well, not until now at least. Flying from East Africa( and somehow not getting hit by lightning ) where it was midnight when I left, to New York where it was around 5 p.m. and I still had to give a report of the mission to Fury... Well I wasn't a happy camper. Besides, it.  was. Saturday! I honestly thought of a lazy day but nooo... Ugh!

So after the debriefing, I vapour traveled back to the tower in my room and got a long relaxing bath. When I finally came out of the bath, it was around dinner time and I didn't want anything more than to throw myself on my bed and lay there for the rest of my life.

"I've heard you had your first mission at SHIELD. " I heard him before I saw him sitting on my bed, a smirk on his face as I glared at him.

"Peter, I hope for your own safety that you have a good reason to be in my room right now. " I groaned looking at the clock on my bedside table. 7:43 p.m. Sighing I went over to my bed and plopped down on it, face first into the sheets.

"I actually came to congratulate you. It's not everyday you manage to surprise Fury. Well, Tony Stark is an exception, but that's more annoyance than surprise. " I heard him stating.

"Yer pwit? " I grumbled into the mattress getting a, "What? " in turn from Peter. Turning on my back I looked him in the eyes before I asked again, "Your point? "

"Just thought to let you know he made you a level 2 agent. From your first mission. "

"Yeah well nothing says capability better than overthrowing your leader, seizing command, releasing hostages and helping in a childbirth all in less than two hours. "

"If someone were to hear that out of context there would be some strange reactions. "Smirking I got in a sitting position and faced Peter.

"Well luckily for us, JARVIS will be able to tape those reactions and we'll have laughing material for a long time. "

"Why do I get the feeling you're very good at pranks? " he asked as he regarded my posture.

"Because I've got training. " Having spent time with some daughters of Hermes and the god himself, plus the short period spent at camp with the Stolls and their siblings... You learn stuffPeter smiled at me and got a small bottle out of his pocket and handed to me. Frowning I tilted my head to the side inspecting the recipient.

"It's something I've been working on. Want to test it out? " finally finding what's inside the bottle I couldn't keep the grin from showing on my face so despite the exhaustion a new determination filled me as I began to plot my revenge with Peter.

Now I will not say more than the fact that Fury might have a hard time getting to his desk, or anything else from his upside down office.

Laughing hysterically I let Peter take us away swinging on his webs through the city until we got to Central Park. Grabbing onto a lamp post he stopped on it as I jumped down on the ground still laughing. Wiping a tear from my right eye I looked up at Peter who was wearing his suit once more.

"The real bad thing about this is that we can't be there to see Fury's expression when he sees we superglued his entire office stuff to the ceiling. " remarked Peter shaking his head before he too jumped down near me.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I put JARVIS to oversee the surveillance in his office and catch a prim plan on the whole situation. "I made a frame using my hands and this sent both of us in another fit of laughter.

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