Chapter 21

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Time flies and changes things and people. The twins also changed.

Percy learned that having Tony as a 'adoptive father' wasn't always as great as he thought. The inventor made enemies. He made mistakes. A couple of times Percy was kidnapped, put in danger and near death. But he was a demigod,  a son of Poseidon and adopted by Artemis. He always got away. Through sheer luck, sass or Tony's help he escaped. Not always without scars. His wounds healed. He got stronger.

He kept in touch with his sister via their twin bond. When he didn't have what to do, or when he was bored, or just missed her. He found out what she was doing, who she met, where she went, what monsters tried to kill her that way. The usual. Of course there was the special times like their birthdays, or Christmas when they would contact each other and they would talk for hours.

Still, growing up a demigod was strange for Tony. He had to move him from schools for the strangest reason. Of course he covered them up, payed for the damage, but at least S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't suspect a thing. He thought of ways to protect Percy, because believing or not, the kid grew on him. But the twin gods told him. No technology could protect Percy from monsters. One day he had to leave for camp, but he liked to have Percy around. Since the gods saw how close the two were, they arranged for Hecate to create a barrier around his tower to keep monsters away. He also got some Celestial Bronze to add to his suit in case he had to fight monsters.

Fighting monsters came as a daily basic for Andy. After she realized the reasons for which she was separated from her twin, she changed. She stopped being the girl who had to be saved. Each time in the past her brother was there. He took most of the blows from Gabe, he took her away from him, he saved her from monsters who tried to kill her when she had her back to them, he threw her away from the exploding crate which was meant to harm her, he told her to leave, to not be caught by that governmental facility. He wasn't with her anymore. So she trained. With the other hunters. With Zoe. With Phoebe. With Artemis. Even Apollo showed up a couple of times to help her secretly. He had a soft spot for the girl. He knew she was lying when she told everyone she was alright after she had to go with the hunters when she knew her brother was hurt and in the care of a mortal. She was a good liar. But he was the god of truth. He confronted her one day and she said 'Don't tell anyone or you'll have Anikitos on your back! '

Oh yes, Anikitos. He was her wolf. She found him as a pup biting a dracaena who tried to kill a girl of 13 years old. The girl ended up joining the hunters and she took the pup. Artemis and Apollo saw her again happy. She laughed more. Anikitos cracked her tough shell and as he grew, he got better at fighting monsters. He never lost a battle against one. Because of Artemis he had Celestial Bronze teeth and claws. Andy could talk to him telepathically (and with the rest of the wolfs accompanying the hunters) and he could always came to her aid.

Andy grew. She became a better archer. She made Zoe and Phoebe teach her how to use her knives and daggers with agility, speed and accuracy. She wanted to know how to use a sword, but Zoe told her she still had to improve with her other weapons. She promised she would teach her. Later.

But time passed. The twins grew up. They made friends. They made enemies. They were betrayed. But they didn't see each other. Until one winter day. They meet again. But they are changed. They're 14 now.

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