Chapter 5

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"Wow" the twins exclaimed looking at the girls who got a bullseye every time. Their exclamation made some girls including Artemis to look at them. "That was amazing" they said at the same time. Artemis got on the same eye level as them and asked: "Would you two like to try it out?". They nodded their heads and the goddess chuckled at their enthusiasm before calling to Laura "Laura please get two bows for Percy and Andy" "Right away, my lady"

After Laura left, Artemis turned to her children and told them : "I'll have to take the girls to go hunting. Some of them will stay here though, so you have nothing to fear." "Ok mum" replied the twins and at the same time Laura came back with two longbows and two quivers with arrows. The otems looked worned out, as they were probably used for training new hunters. Laura handed them their bows and Artemis left with the majority of hunters.

"Ok kids, so just follow my moves" Laura told them as she positioned herself in front of the target, notched an arrow and released it hitting the center of the target. She turned towards the kids and smiled at them "Now's your turn"

The twins did as Laura showed them and... it didn't end up well. The arrows flew through air, Percy's ended up hitting a raven on a branch of a tree and Andy's hit an apple. The problem, besides not hitting the actual target? The raven was behind Percy who was facing towards the target and the apple Andy hit... it was held by a girl... who was going to eat it. The said girl was glaring daggers at the kids while Laura was still trying to wrap her head around what happened. The twins on the other hand, dropped the bows and said "Nope" "This won't work" and pouted. Laura shook her head and suggested them to take a break.

After half an hour the twins tried again, each time the arrows hitting anything but the target. Once an arrow got tangled in the hair of the same girl who was eating the apple. She ripped the arrow and marched to them "Listen you brats, you better put those away. The only thing you did so far was to endanger us" she growled "This is the second time you nearly beheaded me and if you try this again I'll kill you, got it?" The twins nodded their heads and the girl ,marched off. Laura rolled her eyes and told them "Don't worry, she won't hurt you, Phoebe is just moody." The kids didn't listen to her as they said "Phoebe is right" " What if next time we hit someone?" Laura tried to cheer them up by telling them that they just need more practice. When she noticed them not listening she sighed and left to the other girls. The twins were still thinking at their failed attempts of hitting the target when they heard a male voice asking them "Why the long faces, kids?"

They turned around and saw a boy with blond hair and blue eyes smiling at them. He looked around 17 years old, but that didn't stop the kids from taking a step back. Let's just say that after Smelly Gabe they didn't trust men so much.

The guy seeing their distress took a step forward and got on the same eye level as them and said "Not gonna hurt you two, ok? " Percy and Andy looked at each other not knowing whether to trust him or not. The guy saw this and asked them "Do you two know where is my lil sis?" the twins perked up and asked "Sister?" "yeah, you know auburn red hair, silver eyes, kinda bossy" "Artemis?" asked the kids.

"Yup! I'm Apollo, by the way, I saw you two at the council when she got you two there and between us three I believe Aphrodite took a little interest in you two" the sun god smiled at them, trying to earn their trust. The children smiled in return and Andy asked "So that means you're our uncle?" Apollo ruffled the little girl's hair, making her yell "Hey!" Apollo chuckled and told them" Technically yes, but please call me Apollo, uncle makes me fell old" Percy taught and replied with "Aren't you like some thousands years old?"

The sun god laughed and said "Fair point" He looked at the bows lying at their feet and asked them if they tried for archery. The Jacksons nodded their heads and told Apollo what happened during their "archery practice". At the end of it Apollo was laughing very hard "How did you manage to hit Phoebe's apple when she was behind you?" Andy blushed remembering the event and said "It's not funny", "You're right, is not" "So stop laughing" "Sorry, sorry, now let me take a look" When he looked at the bows then at the kids he asked them who gave them the longbows, they said a hunter named Laura.

"You two can't use a long bow, try a recurve bow" and so he summoned two bows and taught the kids "how to shot like a pro".

By the end of the day the twins managed to hit the center of the target and just in time to hear "Apollo what the Hades are you doing here?" All three of them turned around to see Artemis marching to them

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By the end of the day the twins managed to hit the center of the target and just in time to hear "Apollo what the Hades are you doing here?" All three of them turned around to see Artemis marching to them.

"I came to see what my lil sis was doing" "I'm older than you" she was ignored by Apollo who continued his tale "and since I couldn't find you I came to see these two" he gestured to the kids who could see very clear that Artemis was going to beat Apollo to a pulp. "What did you do to them?" "Besides teaching the how to use a bow, nothing" he smiled and put his hands up in surrender. "Did you know that Percy hit a raven behind him while he was facing forward and Andy managed to hit the apple which Phoebe was going to eat? I wish I had seen that." Artemis didn't know what to do at the moment: to yell at her brother for coming unannounced to her camp, or to laugh at what she heard. Then she saw the bows her children were holding. Apparently, Apollo gave them to Percy and Andy. She didn't even noticed that the bows she initially gave them weren't good for them. She sighed and told the kids to go to the fire, where the dinner was cooked.

After they left, she turned to Apollo and surprisingly she tanked her brother. "What can I say, I'm that awesome, but I'm pretty sure even I couldn't hit that raven" and he began to laugh again. "It looks like you earned their trust" Artemis stated. "I looked into their memories and I'm surprised that you gained their trust so easily, but then again you think more like a child than like a god" the goddess smirked and left a gaping Apollo behind her.

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